Bed Of Lies

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Ciara POV

I was at one of the fittings for the fashion show,I looked at the outfit in the mirror and smile in approval. I turn to Nicki to ask her what she thinks about it,I raise my eyebrows and point up and down the dress,she smiles and gives me a thumbs up before going back to her phone call. I sigh and go into the dressing room to try on the other dress. I don't know why she came if she was just gonna be on the phone the whole time. Ever since yesterday with Onara,it's like she's trying to annoy me. I get a text from Jermaine and I smile,I haven't seen him since he started his tour.

Jermaine 🎤😬🔥😳: I'm officially off tour

Me: I miss you 😭😭😭😩😩😩

Jermaine 🎤😬🔥😳: Give me your location and problem solved

Me: I'm in LA

Jermaine 🎤😬🔥😳: Nicki and the kids with you?

Me: Yea

Jermaine 🎤😬🔥😳: Hey guess what

Me: What?

Jermaine 🎤😬🔥😳: I've been in LA since last night

Me: I'll give you the address

Once I send him the address I walk out the room and the designer for Givenchy,Riccardo Tisci walks over to me.

"Wassup Ci" He says

"Hey Riccardo" I say

"We're gonna practice your walk now,ok?" He asks

"Alright" I say

He follows me to the runway and stands next to me.

"You gotta make sure your walk is fierce,powerful,and sexy" He says

"Ok" I say

I walk down the runway and back,he smiles and claps his hands.

"You are a natural" He says

I smile and he follows me off the runway. I walk to my dressing room and see Jermaine,he smiles at me and hugs me tightly,lifting me off my feet.


"I missed you too" I laugh

"What have you been up to?" He asks

"It's a long story" I say

"I have the time" He says

I tell him what's been going on and he was pretty shocked at it.

"Wow" He says

"Yup" I say

"How does Onara feel now?" He asks

"I wouldn't say she's good but she's starting to open up" I say

"That's good and Nicki?" He asks

"She's been on the phone the whole time so I don't know" I say

"Let's go check" He says

We walk out the dressing room and walk over to Nicki and the kids.

"So what we doing today?" He asks

"Let's go bowling" Onjulique says

"Let's do it" He says

I get in the car with Nicki and the kids and Jermaine gets in his car,when we get to the bowling alley we get the shoes and choose a 2 game set.

"I bet you can't make that split" Zahir says to Jermaine

"Is that so Z?" He asks

"Yea unc" Zahir says

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