Right My Wrongs

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Nicki POV

Later that night I was laying down thinking about what happened earlier. I hope I can find a way to make it up to Ci and the kids. I get up and start walking around,I look over at my phone and pick it up. I unlock it and go to her contact,contemplating on clicking on it. I shake my head and leave out the room,I'm not gonna keep calling and texting,I'm gonna go to her and talk to her face to face. I find her in the kitchen talking to J'Shawn,she looks up at me and he turns around.

"What's up Nicki?" He smiles

"Hey J'Shawn" I say

I motion for him to lean in closer to me.

"I really need to talk to her" I say in his ear

"Ok,I'll be upstairs with the kids" He says

He goes upstairs and I look over at Ci,she's staring at me with a plain expression.

"What is it Nicki?" She asks

"Did Zahir get back yet?" I ask

"No,what do you really want?" She asks

It's after 10 o'clock,why isn't he here yet?

"I know what I did and I'm really sorry" I say

"Tell me what you did" She says

"I put my schedule before you and the kids,I made you feel like I didn't care about our relationship,did the same things I did when I was working with Alan,I didn't take time out to be there for you or help you whenever you needed it,I started spending less time with kids and you,I just wasn't being the person I could be and you were right about everything,I wasn't doing everything I was capable of,and none of you deserved that" I say

"You were also rude and disrespectful more than once" She says

I sigh and run my hand down my face,damn.

"You remember how you walked out on numerous conversations and said how it was pointless? And how I was tripping over the littlest shit,and I overthink too much,you showed your fucking ass and hurt me in so many ways" She says

"I know I've been slacking when it comes to our relationship,with you is where I belong,and I should've showed you better,you just wanted recognition of everything and it's something that I should've known,I know before you told me it feels like you don't got me,so you feel like you've been by yourself,I've been feeling kinda down myself and going through it as well, I didn't give any of my time and that's the problem,there's somethings I can't help Ci,but you would make the time for me and I feel bad because you didn't deserve any of that, all the things that you went through I never meant to put you through it twice,just tell me how I can right my wrongs" I say

Just as she's about to say something her phone rings,she picks it up and I roll my eyes,I wish this person would get off the phone so we can finish talking.

"Yes" She says to the person on the phone

"Who is it?" I ask

She puts up her finger,signaling for me to wait.

"Is everything ok?" She asks into the phone

I look at her confused and she starts walking out the kitchen,I follow her and stop her.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Why do I need to go to the hospital?" She asks into the phone

"Put it on speaker" I say

She puts it on speaker and I listen closely.

"We have your son Zahir here and he got into a really bad car accident,he's being put into the ambulance now and we recommend you go to the hospital now" The person says

"Ok,thank you" She says

She hangs up the phone and I start feeling guilty,knowing that he was upset with me before he got in the car. I feel like it's my fault,I got him upset and let him leave,shit.

A/N: Is Zahir gonna be ok? Will Ciara and Nicki finally make up? Next update soon!

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