Number 1 Dime

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Zahir POV

I was walking through the school halls with Sean going to meet up with the rest of my friends in the cafeteria. When we meet up with them we go in the library to study for the Spanish test we had next period.

"You got all the notes?" Skylar asks

"I need yesterdays" I say

She gives it to me and we start testing each other on it. We finish studying within 15 minutes and lounge around to kill the time,I get a text from my dad.

Pops 😈🔥💎: Come outside

Me: Ok

"I'll be back" I say while standing up

I leave out the library and head to the front of the school,I go outside and see him and all my uncles and they had McDonald's with them.

"What's up lil man?" Uncle J'Shawn asks

"Nothing" I say

"Hold this carefully,it's heavy" My dad

"Aight" I say

"What were you doing?" He asks

"Studying,I'm finished now though" I say

"Alright,try to get as much homework done as possible,I'm taking y'all out" He says

"I gotchu,see y'all" I say

"Aight" They say

I turn to walk back in the building and I see Dinah,Rayna,and Aria come out,I greet them and go back to the library. We not allowed to eat in there so I call Sean and em out,I give them they food and we walk around the school while eating.

"Y'all still comin over?" Tyler asks

"I can't,my dad taking me and my brother and sisters somewhere" I say

"Ok" He smirks

"What?" I chuckle

"I got this Spanish chick comin over,she pretty too" He says

"Nigga you gets no bitches" I laugh

"Is that so?" He asks

"Yea" Sean says

"Man whatever" He says

"Ty you gets none" Justine says

"Really sis?" He asks

They're twins they act literally the same in every way.

"I ain't messin with no chicks but Amira" I say

Just then I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I smile.

"Hey babe" Amira says while kissing my cheek

"Hey" I say

"Hey Amira" Tyler says

"Hi Tyler" She says

"What you doing tonight?" She asks me

"I'm going out with my dad" I say

"Oh,if you get back early call me" She says

"Alright" I say

"I gotta go to class,see you" She says

"I'll walk you to your class" I say

I walk with her down the hall and I finish up my food.

"What you doing tonight?" I ask

"Sit at home,probably invite one of my friends over" She says

I nod my head and drape my arm over her shoulder. I really have strong feelings for Amira,I never felt this way about another girl. She's so fly and she look so good,and she know I do too. Addicted to her she like a drug I can't quit,she the best I ever had. Her booty so round and she want me to hit it,I just don't know when ima be ready for that. She stay on my head like a fitted cap,everything she do I'm feelin it,she can run my heart like a marathon,and I'll do anything for her. She my number 1,stay on my mind 24/7.

"I'll talk to after school" I say

"Ok" She says

She kisses me and walks into her classroom,I walk away and go to my class.

A/N: Awe Zahir developing strong feelings! His friends! Lol! Next update soon!

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