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Nicki POV

I have been texting Ciara non stop and she still won't reply,I know I can just go to the next room but I'm not ready to face her yet. Why did I have to say what I said? My big ass mouth ruined it once again,there's not a day that goes by without thinking of her. When I think about her I get in my feelings and I start reminiscing,next time around,I want it to be different when we talk. Waiting on a sign of something great,guess it's time for a different prayer,Lord,please save her for me. I hope she's waiting for me but in reality I know she's not. I sigh and pick up my phone,I text her and hopes she replies.

Me: I shouldn't have played no games with you,last time I saw you we ain't speak, that was strange,guess it's nothing I can do,it's true that ex's change and I guess you changed for the better,I'm really sorry about what I said,I was never loyal to you mentally and you didn't deserve that,but I'm ready to fix it if you ready,I swear to God nobody or nothing can change how I feel about you,not even the movie,I don't wanna keep gettin into it with you,I just don't understand why you stressin it,just give me all of you in exchange for me,I don't see what I did wrong

I put my phone down and stare into space,my phone vibrates and it's a text from her.

Babygirl 😍🔥💖💍: Heard it before,I'm done,you said what you said and I'm not even that mad about what you said,you still don't know what you did wrong and that's the main problem,don't text or call me unless it's about the kids

This is exactly why I snapped,everything that doesn't go her way she catches a attitude about it. But what was so bad about what I did?

A/N: They so petty! *cries* :( y'all think they gon make up anytime soon? Next update soon!

Love Don't Change (Trilogy to Make It Last Forever)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin