Anxiety Attack (Tadashi x Reader)

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There were a LOT of things going on in your mind, making you stressed and many other emotions. You never wanted your friends to find out about your.........attacks. 

Sometimes you can calm it down when you're with them, but others it's difficult to calm down.

Your (service pet) wasn't here with you right now and you really wished you had brought them with you. To make it worse, you were in your best friends lab and wait in for him to get back.

'Why now!?' You thought. 

This one can out of the blue and also one you couldn't control. In the corner of your eye was a shadow coming closer to the lab door.

 You couldn't let Tadashi see you like this as you began to try deep clan breaths.....nothing. 

"Hey I'm ba- (Y/N)!" Tadashi opened the door and ran to you, kneeling and holding your shoulders gently. 

His brown eyes filled with great concern at seeing your flushed face, body shaking, and having a hard time breathing.

"M-m-m!" You couldn't talk since now you needed to focus on breathing. 

Tadashi had no idea what was going on and panicked. "Um! Okay. Wait...." Tadashi eye caught something glittening around your neck. Quickly, he read it and eyes widened. "Anxiety Attack."

Tears streamed down your flushed face.

"(Y/n), look at me!" You did so and stared into his eyes that held worry and determination. "Now breath in."

You tried but cried with ragged breaths. 

"(Y/n). Follow me. In." Tadashi took a deep breath. "Out." Then he took a breath out.

Doing the same, your breaths shook while breathing in but you managed to do the technique. Your eyes wondered to turn away, but Tadashi held his hand to cup your cheek to make you look at him.

"Eyes on me. In......out....." 

You watched his face and copied. Suddenly he hugged you and ran a hand gently through your hair. "In.......out....."

Soon you felt your breath slow and face cool, hearing Tadashi heart beating in comfort. Your shakes subsided as well and relaxed into the embrace. 

"Are you alright now?" He asked softly. 

A small nod and you hugged him tightly. "Th-thank you, Dashi." You were very grateful that he helped you.

"Why didn't you tell me or the gang?" 

"I.........." You were hesitant ."I just thought...."

Tadashi moved to look at you with a gentle smile, giving you confidence to speak.

"I thought you guys would think I'm weird and leave."

"Hey." He spoke kindly. "We will never leave you (Y/n), especially me. You don't have to go through this alone, not anymore okay?"

You nodded then smiled as he kissed the top of your head. "Thanks for being a great friend Tadashi." 

"Thank you for being MY friend, (Y/n)."

BH6 x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now