I've Always Been There (Older Sister! Reader x Hiro) Part 2

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"(Y/n)?" Cass says through the other line. "(Y/n)? Please say something." Her voice cracks. Your expression so serene it seemed that the news your aunt had told you was nothing, but......the pressure in your chest said otherwise along with the tingling feeling rushing through your body. Almost numbing.

"(Y/n). Your baby brother needs you now. That's all I'm going to say." The line cuts off even though you still held the phone to your ear. Slowly your hand places the phone gently back on the wall. "Miss. Hamada? Is everything alright?" Your boss asks. You took a deep breath in as it comes out shaky. "I'm sorry. I'm not coming to work for awhile." Your boss watches you walk away in confusion.

In your car, you had called all your jobs and letting them know you wouldn't be coming to work. It didn't matter if they fired you or not. Family mattered more. Especially your baby brother.

("Jim knew he had to get his friends out first becuase they were more like family. Treasure Planet was about go blow up! He had to think fast!" You said in an exciting and fast tone. Little Tadashi sat beside you on your bed that you shared with 5 year old baby brother, Hiro. The little one grinned, brown eyes full of energy as he stared at you. You giggled, pulling the two close to you. "Then that's when Jim quickly made a solar board from scratch with the help of Captain Silver." "Kids. Time for bed."

Cass comes in, smiling warmly at the site. Tadashi whines, "A few more minutes!?" Hiro yawns, "Auny Cashy. Sissy telling storwy." Cass giggles and you smile, kissing both Tadashi and Hiro's foreheads. "She's right, but don't worry. I'll finish tomorrow night, okay? You two look like you're gonna fall over." You pick up Tadashi and Hiro, placing Tadashi in his bed and tucking him in. "Goodnight, Little Brother." Tadashi smiles tiredly. "Night, (y/n). I love you." You lean down, kissing his cheek. "I love you too. Come on, Little Jimbo." Hiro giggled tiredly. Laying down, you pull your baby brother close and kiss his forehead. "Goodnight, Hiro." Hiro nuzzles close. "I loves you, Sissy." "I love you too, Baby Brother.")


It was raining outside, making outside and everything so gloomy and dark. Hiro was laying in his bed since the funeral the other day. Everything felt so unless and broken. He'd never thought he'd lose his older brother. Hiro never thought something would take away Tadashi forever. Tears streamed down the young Hamada's face in a silent sob.

Sleep took over him, only for him to wake up late at night and a faint sob was heard from downstairs. It didn't sound like Aunt Cass, so he got up and feeling a bit dizzy. Kneeling down, Hiro peaked around to see the kitchen light on and a unfamiliar young woman sitting at the counter. You turned a bit to wipe your face so Hiro saw what you looked like. (H/c) hair, (e/c) eyes that were a bit poofy and slightly red from crying. Something flashed in Hiro's mind seeming clear yet foggy.

(Hiro looked under someone's arms where they hide their tear stained face. His small hands were placed on their arms as they look up staring at him with glistening (e/c) eyes, they cried more. Hiro felt sad reaching his hands to touch their cheeks, then he slowly walked over to get a tissue before coming back to wipe their face the best he could. That made them smile.)

Hiro shook his head and went back up into his room. "(Y/n) I know, this is hard, but you're going to have to talk to him tomorrow." Hiro stopped to listen after his Aunt spoke. "I know, but what if he doesn't want me around, Aunty Cass? I can't bare to lose my baby brother." Your voice cracked but you held it in. "Aunt Cass?" You and Cass turned to see Hiro standing a few steps on the stairs. You almost broke down when you seen he still looked the same, but.......his face was full of exhaustion and depression. Something no young boy should have. "Hiro......this (Y/n). You're older sister."

You felt so nervous yet you wanted to run up and hug your baby brother. "What?" Hiro looked confused and filled with mixed emotions. "I-I thought T-Tadashi was......." You hesitantly went up to the young boy and reached out gently but he stepped back a bit. "Hiro. I was yours and Tadashi's older sister. I took care of Tadashi before you were born." Hiro stared at you, feeling you take his hands gently. "I..,...I took care of you when you were born too. My Baby Brother."

Hiro had so many things going through his mind that his temper got the best of him, jerking away from you. "Why are you here now? Where were you all these years!?" You felt shocked, scared, and hurt. Hiro glared, "TELL ME!" You flinched, not looking at him. "Hiro." Cass warned. Hiro started to breath heavily and groaned, pulling his hair. "Why is she here Aunt Cass!?" You reached out again to his arms but Hiro smacked your hands away. "Leave me alone! You're not my sister! You weren't here, you weren't even at the funeral!!! Just leave! I don't care where you go!"

You watch Hiro go up into his room. The thump in your throat was hard to swallow, your eyes casting down as you sat there on the floor. Cass kneels by you, "(Y/n)." You zoned out, taking in a deep breath again and biting your lip with your eyes warming. "He's right." You whispered. Your heart felt so hurt mentally and physically. "I failed them, Aunty Cass." Tears glistened in your eyes, threatening to fall. "I failed everyone. I failed you, my parents, My L-Little T-Tadashi." Tears dropped onto the floor. "I failed and broke my promise to My Baby Brother."

Aunt Cass let you stay the night, so now you're staring out the window in the living room. The moonlight shining inside onto you. Hiro was asleep by now along with Aunt Cass. That left you alone with memories playing in your mind. The only thing that cleared that was the song. The very song you played to your baby brother the first time he came into this world. Your fingers rubbed the green leaf softly as you sniffled.

(The calm, melodic, and lulling tone swirled around the room. A memory that forever stayed in his mind and heart. He watched your closed eyes that looked so peaceful and angelic. The tune playing in his ears until the end, where you held the note until it faded softly. Hiro watched as you looked at him with so much love and care, the way your voice calmed him. "I will always protect and love you forever, baby brother." Hiro cooed, smiling up at you and laughed.

"Ready?" You chuckled as Hiro's head nodded happily. You took a deep breath and blew. The sweet, melodic, calming tune swirled around again. Hiro stared at your calm and peaceful face, then he smiled, closing his eyes. He hummed with leaf whistle, scooting closer to lay his head above your heart and hugged your neck. The tune played until you reached the last tone that carried out and fade softly.)

Hiro opened his eyes, hearing himself humming the familiar tune that now played from somewhere downstairs. As soon as he got to the last step, he heard the tune waiver until you broke down. "Its all my f-fault. I'm such a failure. T-Tadashi, I'm s-sorry." You whispered softly.

You cried silently with your face in your arms. Everything you'd done hadn't matter to your baby brother. All your work and support, even though you weren't physically there, didn't matter. Hiro watched you, hesitantly standing by you but not saying anything. He remembered who were now. He remembered how you were always there for him and Tadashi, especially himself. Hiro felt so guilty that he made you cry. All those times he wondered why you cried but now it was his fault.

Slowly, his hand gently touched your shoulder. You jumped and looked up into those big brown eyes of your baby brother. "Hiro-" Tears fell from his eyes which made you worry. "Hey." "I'm sorry." Hiro's voice cracked and he suddenly felt so fragile and weak for crying in front of you. "I-I didn't mean it, (Y/n). D-don't le-leave m-me." You got up, pulling Hiro into a tight embrace and slowly lead him to the couch. "Shhh. I won't leave you." Hiro wrapped his arms around you as you ran your fingers through his hair. "I didn't mean it." You hushed him gently. "I know. I promised to take care of you and that's what I'm going to do."

Hiro felt sleepy, calming down when you started humming the song he loved. "I love you, Sis. Please don't leave." You kissed his forehead, holding your baby brother in your arms like you've done long ago. "I will never leave you. I love you so much, Baby Brother. Never forget that I've Always Been There."

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