Round and Round (Tadashi and Hiro x Reader)

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(Sorry if it's short and boring, but it's all I could think of at the moment. I'll make a better one later on.)


One question. Who can not love just one boy? Especially since they're brothers. They're smart, kind, funny. Everything a girl can ask for. Back and forth, how can you choose when you're falling hard for both of them? One of them has to catch you right? Buuuuut.....that's not the case with you.

The Hamada Brothers both love you equally and so do you. One is here, if not, then other is there or they're both there. It's so frustrating to you. You can't choose one. "(Y/n)!" You brace yourself as both Hiro and Tadashi hug you like you're inbetween a sandwich. "Hey, Hiro. Tadashi."

You went up into their room to play video games. Hiro sat on your right while Tadashi sat on your left. "Why do you keep siding with Tadashi?" Hiro asks a little hurt. "Hiro, Tadashi doesn't know how to play this one and i have to help him." You flinch as Hiro throws his controller, walking to the stairs. "Why don't you just become his girlfriend then!"

Quickly, you got up and grab his wrist with tears in your eyes. "Hiro. Please don't go. I need you." Hiro sighs, smiling a bit. "Sorry." Tadashi glares at you two and gets up. "Would two like some alone time?" He's calm about it, but you can feel the jealousy radiate off Tadashi. Your throat tighten, tearing coming to your eyes as you pull them to sit on Hiro's bed while you took the chair.

"Both of you, please stop." You choke, crying from frustration and sadness. It kept going round and round with them two getting jealous over the other. "I can't bare to lose both of you." You take one of their hands in your own, holding them makes you remember how much you love both of the boys. Gently you squeeze Hiro and Tadashi's hand.

"We can't go on this way, but every time I go to Hiro, you leave Tadashi and I go after you. Then again, Hiro, when I go to Tadashi, you leave and i go after you too." You pull your hands away from them and hide your face, shaking in fear. "It's making me dizzy going round and round between you both. I need you both with me, w-w-why can't you both understand that?"

Tadashi and Hiro stare at you with concern, then look at each other and nod. "(Y/n)." Tadashi starts, taking your left hand, while Hiro took your other. "We both love you. So much." You feel a hand tilt your head by then chin, seeing Tadashi's other hand holding your chin gently. "Don't cry, it hurts to see you this way."

Hiro smiles softly, reaching his other hand to wipe your tears. "It's our fault. Now we both see you love us the same. We'll both be there to catch you, (Y/n)." You smile, sniffling. "Really?" They both nod, smiling before getting up to kiss you on the cheeks. You felt happy that they love you and hug them around their necks. "I love you both, Tadashi and Hiro Hamada."

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