Classes & Wands

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My alarm went off around 6:30. Breakfast was going to be served at 7:30 and immediately after breakfast class starts. I had herbology with Anna, transfiguration, charms, divination, defense against the dark arts, and potions. I put on my black skirt along with ripped up leggings underneath it, my black long sleeve that has "Love is pointless" and finally my school robe. I don't really like the robe as much even if its black. I slide on my black high tops and left with Anna.

When I got to the dining hall everyone was already eating. It was only 8:35. I sat down at the end of the table knowing that's where I'll always sit and Anna sat next to me. I picked up an orange and started to peel it. "Hey Mercy". Draco stood behind me.

"Draco". I nodded turning; yet again he sat next to me.

"Who is this"? He gestured towards Anna.

"I'm Anna Summers, and you're Draco?" She smiled shyly.

"Yep" He seemed to blush. I rolled my eyes and went to get coffee leaving my orange on the plate.

I walked around the hall finding no coffee. I sat back down by Anna. "Why is there no coffee is this damn place? I muttered.

"They don't serve coffee its bad for you". Chimed Anna.

I felt defeated so I pulled out my wand and summoned a coffee mug and thought for a minute on what kind of coffee I wanted. I taped the glass and warm black coffee appeared. I sipped.

I heard my name being called and looked towards Dumbledore. I grabbed my coffee and walked towards him at the staff table.

"Ahh miss Mercy, where did you learn that?" Dumbledore asked.

I rolled my eyes. "When I nine I suppose, you don't have any coffee at this school, I need coffee".

"You seem very intelligent, could you make me a cup of coffee? He gave a half smile.

"Uhm, sure and thank you I taught myself everything I know from books." I tapped the desk and a cup with coffee appeared.

"You didn't say any words?" I man with short blonde hair looked stunned.

"I don't need to, my mind matches my wand I guess." I showed him my wand.

"May I see your wand". The man asked.

Dumbledore told me his name was Remus Lupin the DADA professor. I looked him over and gave him my wand.

"Such a beautiful wand, do you know your core?" Lupin asked.

"Yes it's Thestral tail hair" I took my wand back.

Dumbledore looked at me in surprise. "Your wand core is one of the only 2 Thestral tail hairs there is in existence." He stated.

"Wow.. Really?" I asked.

"Yes Miss Nox, and I have the other." Dumbledore pulled out his wand. I knew it upon looking at it.

"The Elder Wand, you have it all along". I muttered.

Professor Snape coughed after listening in on our conversation and left. It was almost time for my first class. I bade my goodbyes and left.

"My Only Light" Severus Snape Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now