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Bomi was surprised when her mother ask Baekhyun if he want to stay while she having lunch. She really didn't get why her mother keep making Baekhyun stay longer today when she's not in 'friendly' term with him. Good thing her phone ringing so Baekhyun got distracted and she can answered her mother first to tell Baekhyun should leaving now. She answered her phone after her mother leaving.

"Hello Kyung."

"Yah Yoon Bomi, good thing I've come to this festival today. You must be thrill to hear this."

"What? What is it?" Bomi sounded excited.

"They open ticket booth for SNSD concert next month, Bom!"

"Really? Right now?"

"Yeah! Are you going to their concert?"

"Of course I'm going! Save the ticket for me!"

"Ok. I'll give you an update later"

"Okay... You know I love you right?"

"You only say that after I give you something big." Kyung laugh, "Wait for my call, Bom. Bye"


Bomi just so happy to hear the good news from Kyung, she couldn't help to express her happiness right now. She forgot about Baekhyun until he bid goodbye to her.

"Bomi, I'm going home now."

"Oh, ok. Thank you for today, Baek." Bomi smile and saw Baekhyun expression, why he looks sad right now? Did something happened while I'm on the phone? Bomi try to make sure and keep looking at Baekhyun face. Aayy, why am I like this again. Maybe it's just your imagination, Bom. Bomi just back to work again.


Bomi parent back after lunch and they look around like they search for something missing.

"What are you looking for Omma, Appa?"

"Where's Baekhyun, Bom?" her mother asked.

"He left already. Why?"

"He's really going home? I thought he'll stay." her father said.

"Why would he stay here? He's here just to help me with the decoration, but you keep making him stay longer, it makes me feel really awkward."

Her mother just smile and it makes Bomi curious to know what her mother thinking right now.

"What is it, Omma? Why you smiling like that."

"It's a secret!" her mother teased her. "Yeobo, don't spill anything about what we talked about earlier."

Now Bomi just glare at her father, "Appa, tell me, what is it?"

"Nothing, Bom. Your mother just joking."

"Appa... Why are you on Omma side?"

"I'm not, Bom. Why are you so worried about it?" her father laugh. "I'm gonna sort the goods now." Her father leaving her and going to where her mother at.

Bomi keep looking at them with suspicious look, Aarrgghh, what is it? I can't guess if they just joking or not. I'm gonna make my father talk about it!


Bomi's phone ringing again, she grab it fast because she waiting for another good news from Kyung.

"Hello, Kyung, how is it? You can get us ticket right? Please tell me you get it."

"Hahaha, you sure excited about this."

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