Ch.Thirty Two

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A week has passed after the radio school plays Baekhyun singing voice for the first time on their program and today is the day that radio school doing the same corner and Baekhyun somehow anxiously waiting for the corner. He couldn't wait to listen to what happen next and how peple react to his singing voice.

"Hey, why you didn't eat your food?" Bomi asked Baekhyun who's spacing out.

"Ah, no.." Baekhyun start eating his food but later ask, "Bom, when will the radio school air about my performance?" He asked with low voice.

"So that what makes you spacing out." Bomi chuckled.

"You two stop being busy with your own world." Hayoung complain to Bomi and Baekhyun.

"What were you two talking about anyway?" Eunji asked.

"He's curious about the mysterious student last week and asks me when they will air the next part." Bomi explain.

"I think they will air it today." Right after Eunji said it the radio school starts start their corner and Baekhyun start looking nervous.

"Don't worry, you heard about what people said these past few days. Believe me, you'll be fine." Bomi hold Baekhyun hand and Baekhyun feel like his nervousness just go away.

"Now, I will read some of your comments about our mysterious student voice last week. Before I start let me say thank you for everyone who participate in this corner. Seriously, there are so many students that sent their comment here, even I surprise myself by the response. It's been a long time since our corner get this much attention. But most of you just ask me who this guy identity is." Xiumin laugh, "Come on guys.. You are supposed to making a guess by yourself not asking me that. Well, even if you ask me I can't tell you because even I didn't know who this mysterious student is."

Xiumin continue with the comment about Baekhyun and everyone nod along with positive comment about him. Baekhyun just couldn't help but smiling everytime he heard positive comment.

"See, you can stop worrying about what people think about you. They like your voice, Baek." Bomi said in low voice.

"Are they still going to like it if they knew that it was me?"

"We will know about it soon." Bomi gave him a reassuring smile, "Let's not worrying about that right now. You can learn to believe in yourself with all these positive comment, Baek."

"It's just the beginning, what if they didn't like it after hearing more?"

"If there's something they didn't like, we can just learn to fix it. Nobody's perfect, Baek. But I believe you can improve with time. You're amazing singer, Baek, just like what other said."

Xiumin then playing the second song by Baekhyun because everyone wants to continue listen to his voice. The second song is Baekhyun covering Kim hyun sik - like rain like music.

"Woah his voice is no joke." Hayoung said.

"And he can hit the heart with his voice, really." Eunji added.

"Right? That's what I like most about his singing." Bomi said with excited tone.

"You know him?" Hayoung asked.

"Huh? Wh.. What do you mean?"

"So you know him?" Eunji ask her too and Baekhyun slightly feel uneasy about it.

"Why do you think like that?"

"The way you say it, Bomi. It's like you often listen to his voice that's why you really excited and know much about his singing." Hayoung answered.

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