Ch.Forty Nine

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"Bomi, we're here." Baekhyun wake her up and Bomi open her eyes slowly.

Bomi look out the window, "Ah.. Right." Bomi stretching a little and grab her bag and prepare to stand up before realized that she slept in Baekhyun shoulder in way too close to each other.

Baekhun already walk to the door and Bomi follow behind with her head down, feeling embarrassed for what she had done. When she finally getting off the bus, she just walked him by and stays ahead without looking back.

"Yah, how can you leave me like that.." Baekhyun follow her and nudge her when he already standing beside her.

"Go.." Bomi shove him playfully but Baekhyun lose his balance and fell down. "Aigoo, I'm sorry.." Bomi said while holding her laugh.

"Wah, you really.."

"Pfftt, sorry, I really didn't mean to."

"You're not gonna help me?"

Bomi stretching out her hand to help him. Baekhyun held it but before Bomi pull him to make him stand up, Baekhyun pull her closer to him first, "Omma.."

Baekhyun hug her and Bomi tried to get away but Baekhyun is stronger than her, "It's your punishment." Baekhyun said.

"Yah, we're in the middle of the street. People will see."

"Ah.. So it's okay when we're alone?"

Bomi shove him and finally escape from Baekhyun, "Haa.. Seriously.." Bomi stand up and start walking leaving Baekhyun behind her.

"Let's walk together.." Baekhyun said and link his hand on Bomi shoulder.

"Stop it.." Bomi shove his hand but Baekhyun put it back, "Yaahh.." Bomi whined and once again shove Baekhyun hand from her shoulder.

"Cutie.." Baekhyun place his hand on her shoulder again.

"Wah, seriously.." Two of them fighting playfully with Baekhyun hand on and off of Bomi shoulder and they are laughing so much until someone calling Bomi's name. Bomi turn and find out Kyung stand across the street with Boram, his friend from college. Bomi release her hand from Baekhyun immediately and distanced herself a bit. Kyung and Boram come closer and Bomi greet them cheerfully.

"Boram eonni, long time no see."

"Ne, long time no see. You've got prettier with new hair."

"That's what I said to her." Baekhyun said and makes Bomi couldn't help but hit him.

Kyung moves beside Bomi and take her hands, "You're going to Hayoung's house right?" Bomi nodded, "Let's go." Kyung said and makes Bomi walk with him.

"Seems like they were forgot to introduce us to each other." Baekhyun said to Boram who's been preoccupied with her own thought, "I'm Baekhyun, Bomi's friend." Baekhyun reach out his hand.

"Oh, I'm Boram. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. You are Kyung's friend?"

"Yes, I am. You're very close to Bomi, I guess? From what I saw earlier."

"Ah.. Sort of.."

"What's with the ambiguous answer?"


Boram look at him and caught how he looks at Bomi when she laughs with Kyung. Jealousy look.

"I see.."



Bomi knock on the door and Hayoung open the door second later.

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