Ch.Twenty One

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Morning at Bomi House

"You're not going to school earlier today, Bomi?" Bomi mother asked.

"No Omma, only on Wednesday and Thursday."

"Are you starting to practice dancing again like before Nuna?" Bomi brother asked.

"No, I'm helping my friend."

"Then what should I do with the food?" Bomi mother said.

"What's wrong with the food Yeobo?"

"I thought Bomi will go to help Baekhyun again this morning so I made more food for both of them."

"Baekhyun? Why did you helping him, Nuna?!"


"Ah, sorry, Omma forgot about it."

"Nuna, I told you..." Bomi brother talk got cut, "Jungjin-ah, just why exactly you didn't like him? It's not like you know him anyway." Bomi asked.

"Just..." Bomi brother keep quiet after that.

"See, you didn't even have a reason." Bomi said.

Bomi brother just sigh because he couldn't say the reason he didn't like if Bomi be friend with male friend is because he know Kyung like his sister and he want to help him since he know Kyung for as long as he could remember.

"Bomi, just bring the food with you since Omma already made it."

"Alright Omma."

Bomi mother smiling so much after Bomi agreed to bring the food.

"Why are you smiling so much, Yeobo?"

"Our daughter now becomes more open about her relationship with Baekhyun. I like it."


"Why? Embarrassed?" Bomi mother teased her even more.

"I'm going to school." Bomi brother grab his bag then stormed out and slammed the door.

"I don't understand him at all." Bomi sigh.

"Let him be, he probably change if he get to know Baekhyun better. That's why you need to invite Baekhyun here and let your brother be friend with him."

"Your request becomes more and more unreasonable Omma." Bomi shake her head.

"Your mother likes him very much." Bomi father said.

"Appa, are you jealous?" Bomi laugh and her father can't help but laughing too.

"Now you two stop laughing and finished your breakfast."

At Bomi Class

Now is the time for first break so Bomi bring out the food from her mother.

"Baek, my mother packs some sandwiches for us. Please have some."

"Oh really? What's the occasion?"

"Uh... Just... She just randomly made it." Bomi smile to cover her lie.

"Please convey my thanks for your mother, Bomi."

Bomi then chuckled so Baekhyun asked, "Why? I shouldn't say that?"

"Ah, no. It's just that I almost said you should've said that by yourself since my mother ask me to invite you to my house again. She's so random right?"

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