Ch.Forty Eight

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Bomi hop on the train to go back to Seoul. She's calling Chorong to give her the news that she already on her way back.

"So everything's fine now?" Chorong asked.

"Yeah, we just need to wait for green light from the doctor to get him discharged."

"That's a relief. Bom-ah, have you eaten yet?"

"Ne, eonni. I have dinner at home before I'm leaving."

"Ah, okay. I'll have dinner outside then."

"With who?"

"Huh? What do you mean with who?" Chorong tried to not get caught.

"You didn't like to eat outside by yourself did you, eonni?"

"I'm just lazy to cook something." Chorong lied.

"Ah.. I see. You can ask Suho Oppa, eonni. He must be like it if you ask him for dinner."

"I'm hanging up."

"Ay.. I was joking eonni. I'm sorry, I'm not gonna say that again."

Chorong just laughed, "Just get rest, Bom-ah. It will be quite long trip."

"Okay, eonni. See you at dorm."

"Okay. Bye Bomi."

Bomi ended the phone and start to answer all messages that come to her phone. Her friend told her that she needs to come early tomorrow to fill the loss credit as she absent from today's class. And more about another class assessment. Aigoo, have fun with busy schedule, Bomi. Bomi scroll her message and she got no more unread message and somehow she sigh about it. Bomi decided to get rest in the train and wake up when she arrives.


Bomi arrive at the dorm and just walking ahead to elevator. But then she stops when she spots someone familiar from afar. Baekhyun? Bomi come closer for few steps and now sure it was really Baekhyun. But who is the girl with him? Look at him getting all giddy with the girl. Of course he's not gonna have time to thinking about me when he's busy like that. Then Bomi gasp when the girl start to touch Baekhyun hair, like she want to arrange it with new hairstyle and Baekhyun seem not too care about what the girl do, or rather be happy with it since he smiling. Aish, why did you keep staring at them. Whatever he do now, or with whom he met, it's not your business, Bom. Please remember that. Bomi then leave and enter the elevator to going to her room.

When Bomi arrive at her room, Chorong is in living room talking with someone on the phone but then quickly end it after Bomi enter.

"Bom-ah, you're here."

"Ne, eonni. Why are you looking like that?"

"Hmm? What?"

"You're nervous.. Why? Who's on the phone earlier eonni?"

"No, it's just your imagination. Let's sleep, it's late."

"Ay, it's just 9.30 PM, why sleep already? Eonni, you have some secret from me right?"

"What are you saying.. No, I'm not. Ah, Bom, Chen give you something. I put it in your room." Chorong tried to change the subject.

"Really? I'll look at it, eonni."

"Alright. I'll go to my room okay."

"To talk again with someone from earlier?"

"Yah.. Stop it.." Bomi laugh and running to her room before Chorong can hit her or something.

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