Ch.Twenty Six

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At School Cafetaria

Baekhyun and Bomi came a little bit late to cafeteria because of their class ended late, but others start teasing them because of it.

"Look at them. They even start to take a time just two of them so they late to come here." Eunji said.

"No, you know how Mrs. Song class was, it usually ended late because of the quiz." Bomi explain.

"Really? It's not because you two have been carried away with yesterday's date?" Hayoung teased.

"Bomi mother told you that?" Baekhyun asked.

"Oh, how did you know that?" Hayoung ask him back.

"See, I told you she will tell everyone about it." Bomi said to Baekhyun.

"What is it? You two are really dating but want to keep it as secret?" Eunji asked in surprised tone.

"No..." Bomi answered quickly, "Its misunderstanding, Eunji-ya. We just having lunch but my mother keep saying we were have a date."

"Your mother must be like him so much."

"You have no idea." Bomi shake her head.

"Bom, you already have someone to accompany you to SNSD concert?" Hayoung asked.

"Not yet. Everyone I asked already has a ticket and they're in different section. Should I just randomly ask people to come with me?"

"You have free ticket with you, Bom?" Baekhyun asked.

"Yes, one ticket. You have someone in mind that I can ask to come with me?"

"How about me? I actually like SNSD, Bom." Baekhyun said with excited tone.

"Are you really like them, or you just want to go with Bomi?" Hayoung asked.

"No, I really like them. You can ask me anyting about them, I probably can answer you question." Baekhyun said with confidence.

"There, you have your partner, Bom." Eunji said but Bomi somehow feel uneasy about it.

"So I can really get the concert ticket and watch them live?"

"Of course, Bomi is searching for someone she knows to accompany her. Good thing it happened to be you. You must be happy, right Bom?" Eunji asked.

"Oh.." Bomi respond half-heartedly.

"Really? Thank you Bomi. It'll be held on July 23th right?"

"Oohh, you must be really a fan, Baek." Hayoung said.

What is it? I should've been happy since I've got a friend to watch the concert. But why I feel like I lost something when I saw his excitement about this concert. Ay, I don't know, let's not overthinking about that.


Friday comes fast and as usual, Bomi in the music room to watching Baekhyun performance. This time she brings her camera and asks Baekhyun permission to record his performance.

"Baek, what do you think if we record your performance? I think you can get used with the feeling that someone watching you with the camera. And we can use the video to take a look and evaluate your performance." And I'll use it for my plan to help you.

"Okay, I'll trust your method, Bom."

Bomi put one of her camera in front of Baekhyun, and one more behind his back. After finish to setting it up, Baekhyun start to singing while playing the piano. Bomi watch him with a smile in her face. He never failed to impress me.

You make me feel (baekmi)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن