Ch.Forty Two

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A/N: I had free time to write so I update faster than usual but with just a short chapter today, hehe.. Next week I'll make longer chapter. Feel free to give me feedback about the story. Thank you everyone.. :)

"Where have you been?" Baekhyun asked when Sehun comeback to their dorm.

"Looking for perfect place for my date this week."

"Yah, you purposely didn't tell me about Bomi new appearance didn't you. Do you know how surprised I am when I saw her today."

Sehun shrugged, "Well, it's been a pleasant surprise isn't it."

Baekhyun smiled when he remember about it, "She got prettier with her new hair, I was totally fascinated back then. If someone hasn't talked to me I probably looking at her until her class finished without blink."

"I can imagine that." Sehun chuckled, "So, do you know about her schedule already?"

"Yup. I'm gonna need your help to cover me when the time overlapping with our practice."

"I'll try my best."

The door was open and Chen enters the room.

"Hey." He said when he saw Baekhyun and Sehun.

"Is the cafeteria still full?" Baekhyun asked.

"Not really.You should've just come with us, Baek. Bomi was there and we had lunch together."

"What? You did?"

"And she's still the same, Baek. Only she got prettier."


"What? I'm just saying. Don't worry, I'm not gonna snatch her from you."

"Good to know that. I'm envious of you."

"That's why you need to going out there so you have a chance to meet her."

"That's why he didn't going anywhere." Sehun said and makes Chen confused.

"I'm avoiding her in purpose, Chen."

"Why? Because you two broke up so you didn't even want to meet her anymore?"

"No. I want to apologize to her with not so common way, but with some events. That's why I need to not getting caught so I can do that."

"Just do it in common way, stop wasting any time or you'll regret it."

"Huh?" Baekhyun raised his eyebrow.

"You know something didn't you?" Sehun asked and Chen just shrugged his shoulder.

"I need to take a bath okay.." Chen said and going to grab his towel.

"You think so too, Sehun-ah?"

"Just do what you think is better. Since you know her better than I do." Sehun tap on his shoulder, "I'm going to meet Bomi now, Baek. Is there something I can do for your next event?"

"Not today."

"Okay." Sehun then going outside and saw Chorong just come in. He didn't had time to called her to asked if Bomi was there so he just come closer to knock on the door before he heard Chorong crying from the outside. Sehun stand still confused with what to do when he heard Bomi asked about what happened to Chorong.

"This is not what I imagine. I thought I'll be fine, Bom. I've been prepare for this."

"Eonni, tell me so I can understand your situation." Sehun than thought it's inappropriate to listen to another conversation from outside the door. Just when he wants to go back he heard surprising news.

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