Ch.Twenty Five

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Night At Bomi House

Bomi lay down on the couch while watching TV when Kyung calling her.

"Hello, Kyung."

"Bomi, I've got a bad news for SNSD concert."

"WHY? They got canceled??"

"No, of course not. They still held the concert, but I can't go with you. I need to meet with the artist management for my campus performance and the date coincides with the concert."

"Can't you lobbying for another date, Kyung?"

"I can't Bom. They are busy people so I need to adjust with their schedule. I'm so sorry, Bom. Just try to convince Hayoung grandparent, Bom. Maybe they will change their mind about it."

"I don't think that'll happen."

"Just ask someone in your school, I bet there'll be someone who wants to go if you give them a ticket."

"Okay, I'll try. Althought it'll be more fun going with someone I know."

"I'm sorry. But it's weird you didn't bugging me to treat you tomorrow to pay my 'sin'."

"Aahh, I want to, but since I've got a plan tomorrow, I'll bug you next time."

"You girls will go somewhere without me again? I understand for last week since we still in the middle of fight, but tomorrow? No can do. Now tell me, where do we go for tomorrow."

"No, Kyung. I'm not going with Eunji and Hayoung tomorrow."

"Aahh, with the Taekwondo member?"

"No. I'm going with Baekhyun. You met him last time in my house, remember?"

"Of course I remember him. Where do you want to go with him, Bomi?"

"Just having lunch at Siren restaurant."

"Okay then. Have fun with your date."

"Okay." But then Bomi realized something, "Eh? No, it's not a date, Kyung. Don't talk about weird thing." That'll make me thinking about weird thing too.

"Hahaha, okay. Bye, Bom."

"Bye, Kyung." Bomi hang up her phone and her phone ringing again after that. She got up whe she saw the caller ID and going to her room before answer the phone.

"Hello, Baek."

"Hello, babomi."

Bomi just sigh and not arguing about her nickname, "What is it, Baek?"

"Wah, it's no fun when you're not reacting about your nickname."

"You're calling me to make fun about my nickname? I'll hanging up." Bomi pretend to angry.

"Bom-ah, I'm sorry, that's not it. Are you still there?"

Bomi laugh, "There, I've got my revenge." Bomi heard Baekhyun breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought you really mad. Bomi, about our da... I mean our lunch tomorrow, Phew, I almost said our date. Are you really okay to go out? I mean you didn't have to help your parent?"

"Its okay, my brother will help out at the supermarket. And we just go for lunch so it'll not take so much time."

"Ah, okay then. I'll see you tomorrow, Bom. Good night." Hope you'll dream about me.

"Night, Bacon." Bomi hang her phone and laugh a little. It feels new to call each other with nickname. Though he gave me 'bad' nickname but somehow it felt special too. Am I really become babo? Bomi just throw herself to bed and close her eyes trying to sleep. Hope something good will happen tomorrow. She wishes before she falls asleep.

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