Ch. Twenty Four

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Now it's finally Friday, nothing much happen for these past few days. She made up with Kyung after her match last Tuesday. She followed Baekhyun suggestion to listen to Kyung explanation and Kyung said he loves her as friend, and it shouldn't have to be a big deal since Bomi always says that she loves him too. As for her and Baekhyun, they just act like they always do. Baekhyun always asked about herself for these past few days, but, Bomi always thought that what friends do right? Getting to know each other.

Bomi feel so excited because today she will listen to Baekhyun performance again after she missed two days of Baekhyun practice time. Wednesday and Thursday morning Bomi went with her Taekwondo club member to watch their member individual match that's why she couldn't came and watched Baekhyun practice. What song that he will perform today? I ask him but he never told me about it, not even a hint. Aahh, I really can't wait until the school is over.

"Omma, I'm off to school."

"Be careful, Bomi. Send Omma greeting for Baekhyun."

"Ne, Omma."

She's now doing it without any complaint anymore. I guess now they are really close to each other. Bomi mother thought and smiled.

Bomi arrived at school and meet Chen on her way so he walking her to her class.

"Hey Bomi. I haven't seen you in the morning for past few days."

"Yeah, our Taekwondo team has a match in different days so we've been absent in the morning to cheer each person match. But I haven't seen you around either on break time, Chen."

"Oh, I've been busy practice for annual event. Would you like to see the practice like the old times?"

She didn't want to make his fans misunderstood if she comes, but she also doesn't have the heart to say no, so Bomi keep thinking until they reach her class and she find Baekhyun looking at them and makes her feel the urge to say no this time, "I'll just come to the event to support vocal team." Bomi smiled and waved to Chen.

"But why?" Chen grabs Bomi hand befor she enter the class.

Bomi feel Baekhyun stare at her so she pull her hand out, "Because I'll be busy with my match too and I've thing to do these days. So I don't think I can watch the practice. Sorry."

"Oh, okay then. I'll tell you the place and time for the event." Bomi nodded, "See you around Bomi." Chen waved so Bomi doing the same and goes to her seat.

"Hey Bom." Baekhyun greet her after she sit.

"Hey. We finally see each other in the morning." Bomi said with big smile.

"Yes, but you can't escape from Math in the first period." Baekhyun laugh while Bomi sigh, "Baek, cover me, I'll pretend I still have a Taekwondo schedule for today."

"You have me, Bom. Don't worry." Baekhyun tap her shoulder.

"Right, I've got my savior." Bomi give him thumbs up.

"But Bom, are you going somewhere with Chen? Kinda heard Chen said he'll tell you about the place and time, or am I misheard that?"

"Ah, there's annual event for vocal club, and I said I'll come to support them this time."

"You always come every year?"

"Last year I only came on their first performance."

"You don't really like it?"

"No. Ehm..." Bomi kinda hesitate to continue her talk, "Something you didn't want to talk about?" Baekhyun asked.

Well, it's in the past, and Baekhyun is my friend, let just tell him, Bom. "Ehm, their next performace was after me and Chen broke up, it's kinda awkward to watch the performance when he was there. So that's why I'm not coming again." Bomi then got an idea, "How about we coming together this time? You'll enjoy watching live performance." And that will be good trigger for bringing back your spirit to perform again.

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