Ch.Twenty Seven

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Bomi open the supermarket door and coming inside with Baekhyun follow her from behind.

"Baekhyun, why are you soaking wet?" Bomi father asked when he look at Baekhyun.

"Aigoo, what happened to you Baekhyun?" Bomi mother asked too.

"I didn't bring key to my house so I caught up in the rain before Bomi come and rescue me."

"Jungjin-ah, please lend some your clothes for Baekhyun." Bomi said and her brother move from cashier to go to his room.

"Right, go change your clothes Baekhyun. You'll catch a cold if you're not." Bomi father said.

"And while you're here, let's eat dinner with us later." Bomi mother added.

"Ne, thanks Mr. and Mrs. Yoon." The three of them left the supermarket to go on Bomi house.

"Jungjin-ah, don't forget to give him a towel too. And Baek, just follow him to get things you need. I'll be waiting here."

Bomi going to the kitchen after two of them enter her brother room. She makes him a hot cup of tea to help keep his body warm.

"Nuna, I'm going back to supermarket." Bomi brother said.

"Oh.. Thanks Jungjin-ah."

Baekhyun coming out from Bomi brother room and go to where Bomi at.

"Just sit in the living room, Baek."

"Let me help you with it." Baekhyun refer to glass in her hand.

"Just let me do this. Now, let's go to the living room." Bomi push Baekhyun to move forward.

"Here, drink this. It'll make your body warm." Bomi said after they sit on the living room.

"Thanks, Bom. But there's a better way, don't you know?"

"What is it?"

Baekhyun then spread his arms wide open to gesturing for a hug but Bomi just give him the tea, "Just drink the tea will you."

"Ouch, I got rejected." Baekyun put on hurt acting that makes Bomi just shake her head with his silly action.

"Where did you put your towel, Baek?"

"Inside jungjin room, he told me just to put it there after I used it."

"Wait for me, okay?" Bomi left him and go to her brother room.

"Huh? Why are you brought the towel with you?" Baekhyun asked when Bomi back from her brother room.

"Can you turn to your left, Baek?"

"Oh, okay."

Bomi then use the towel to dry Baekhyun hair, "You should've done this if you didn't want to catch a cold, Baek."

"It feels great, I'm glad I didn't do this earlier."

"Aigoo this guy." Bomi slightly hit his arm.

"What the next treatment I get after this one?" Baekhyun asked after Bomi finished drying his hair.

"You sure enjoying this aren't you?" Bomi chuckled.

"Yeah, it feels like we're couple, I like it." Baekhyun grinning from ear to ear.

"Mwoya..." Bomi said with shy expression, "Are you stay for dinner Baek?"

"Ah, right. I need to ask V what time he will come today. I'll stay for dinner if he comes late today."

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