Ch.Forty One

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"So..? Yes or no?" Chorong asked Bomi once again.

"It's neither eonni."

"What do you mean?"

"He told me to think about it first rather than rush into answering him today. So.. I haven't given him my answer yet."

"But why? You should've said yes to him."

"Should I, eonni?"

"You didn't think so? You know that he care about you so much. He helps you everytime you need a friend. He tried to put you first before anything, Bom. What makes you still need time to think about it?"

"I don't know eonni. I'm not sure myself."

"Is it because of Baekhyun?"

Bomi sigh when she reminded of Baekhyun, "No, eonni." Bomi said with low voice.

"Bom-ah, I know we haven't known each other that long. But I'm sure right now you're not being honest with me."

Bomi paused before answer Chorong question, "I know it's probably silly, but I still have these lingering 'what if' questions in my head, eonni. 'What if I tell him before he caught me red handed? Then maybe he can think about it with cool head and there's a chance our relationship will stay the same'. 'What if I stay instead of running away after I give him my letter? Then maybe we can meet at school and there's a chance he tells me that we can at least be friend'. What if I don't think too much when he said that he wants to meet me? Then maybe..." Bomi eyes got teary.

"Bomi-ah..." Chorong patted Bomi's back.

Bomi take a deep breath, "I know eonni, it's no use to think like that. But I can't help but wondering about it. Especially after my mother told me that he makes efforts to meet me. My heart just couldn't lie that I still hoping that he still thinking about me like I do."

"But..." Chorong paused for a while, "Whatif it's not like that? Your mother said he never back again after the last time he said he's busy with festival stuff. I mean, if he really serious about meeting you, he can at least try to call you. It's not like he didn't know your number."

"Maybe he thinks that I'll never get his call when he knows I didn't agree to meet him."

"You always think positively about him, I'm afraid you'll get hurt once again if you keep doing that, Bom-ah. And you're going to miss your chance to be happy with Kyung because of it."

Bomi let out a bitter laugh, "I'm such a fool right eonni?"

"Aren't we all like that when it comes to love?" Chorong smiled.

"Someone will think that you really become a fool for Suho oppa." Bomi laughed.

"I am, you just didn't know it yet."

"You're lying right? I can't imagine that."

"Then don't." Chorong laughed.

"Thank you, eonni." Bomi said after laughing with her.

"You're welcome, Bom-ah. Think about it carefully so you don't have any regret."

"I will eonni."

"But I'm rooting for you and Kyung."

"Hahaha.. I know eonni.."

"Good. Now, go change your clothes and have a dinner with me."

"Okay, eonni."


Monday morning after having a breakfast, Chorong left to go to campus. She stops after open the door and calling for Bomi immediately.

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