Ch.Forty Six

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Bomi and Baekhyun enter the café and Baekhyun remember something.

"Bom-ah, I didn't bring my wallet. Can you pay the drink for me first?"

"No, you can just watching me." Bomi was joking and go waiting in line to order.

"Ay.." Baekhyun nudge her, "Where's the kind hearted Bomi go?"

Their conversation makes someone in front of them turn around and Bomi surprised to meet her, "Taemi sunbae-nim, Annyeong Haseyo."

"Hey Bomi. Boyfriend?" Taemi pointed at Baekhyun.

"No sunbae-nim, he's my friend, Baekhyun. Baek, this is my sunbae at campus, Taemi sunbae-nim."

Two of them shake each other hands and introduce themselves. Taemi move to her left so Bomi and Baekhyun can step up to order their drink.

"Have me met before, Baekhyun?"

"Ne?" Baekhyun is hesitating to answer the question.

"Ah.. I remember now. You're the one from Hapkido department right? Just be a man if you already know her."

Bomi who finished ordering the drink now turn with questioning face, "Hapkido? Since when you became a Hapkido student?"

"Am I wrong?" Taemi confused, "You're not the one who asked me to send your greeting to her in my class? You kinda look similar."

Taemi drink is ready so she just end her own question without waiting for answer, "I'm sorry if I get it all wrong. I'll get going first, Bomi, Baekhyun."

"Ne, sunbae-nim." Bomi turn to Baekhyun, "I think you owe me explanation for this thing first."

Baekhyun grab their drinks and walk with Bomi to the seat on the corner.

"Thanks for the drink, Bom. I'll pay it later when we arrive at dorm."

"No need, Baek. It's my treat." Bomi smiled.

"I'm really happy that I can be with you, Bom. Seriously."

Bomi phone is ringing before she can say anything, she take a breath first before answer the phone.

"Hello, Kyung."

"Are you alright?" Kyung sounded worried.

"Of course, I am."

"Thank God, you didn't come for quite long time, so I've got worried."

"Sorry, I met my friend on the way back and we decided to have a chat. I forgot to tell you about it, sorry Kyung."

Another phone was ringing and Bomi saw Baekhyun grab his phone from his pocket. Bomi reach out for his hand and squeeze it while slightly shaking her head. Baekhyun understand and he just ended the call and text the caller he'll call him back.

"I don't know, but I guess it'll take long time." Bomi continue her conversation without moving her hand from Baekhyun hand.

"I know, you win." Bomi laughed, "So what do you want, Kyung?"

"What? Don't ask for impossible thing. I'm hanging up." Bomi was joking.

"Okay, okay. Let's talk about this later at the dorm."

"I'll be waiting Bomi. I love you."

"I.." Bomi want to say 'love you too' as a habit but she stop as she was uncomfortable saying it in front of Baekhyun, "Will be back soon, Kyung. Bye."

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