Ch.Thirty Eight

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From: Kyungsoo

Message: How is it? You confirm her break up?

From: Jongdae

Message: I haven't met her yet. I'll try on second break.

From: Kyungsoo

Message: Can you tell her I'm sorry for what I've said that time.. I really didn't know that it's such a big mistake.

From: Jongdae

Message: Okay, I'll tell her.

Chen slightly feels guilty to make his friend involved with his plan two days ago. Chen tells him to ask Bomi about the dorm with reason if she stay then he'll stay too at the dorm. Kyungsoo who want to help his friend with his crush just agreed without knowing that Chen is actually planning to drop Bomi secret about her college to Baekhyun. He know that Baekhyun probably questioning about the dorm so he can tell him about the college and as he predicted, two of them fall into heavy tension after he and Kyungsoo leave them alone. And he witnessed their fights so he sure that his plan was working so well. He just needs to start to approach her again to win her love this time after he gets rid of Baekhyun successfully.

The second break is come and Chen find Bomi is still on her chair writing something in serious face.

"Hey, Bom."

Bomi lift her head, "Hey." And go back to her writing.

"Can we talk for a minute?"

Bomi stop and flipping the paper so Chen couldn't see what she wrote, "Take a seat, Chen."

"What makes you so busy?" Chen refers to her writing after sit beside her.

"Something important. What are you gonna talk about with me?"

"Kyungsoo ask me to send his apologies about the last time. He didn't know that it'll make a trouble just to ask you about the dorm."

"Tell him it's not his fault, so no need to apologize."

"So.." Chen paused, "Is it really fatal, Bomi? Is your relationship affected?" Chen pretend to didn't know about her break up and get ready if Bomi show her fragile side, he'll turn into a good friend beside her.

Bomi sigh, "Chen, I'm in the middle of doing something important, you just need to know that what happened is not you and Kyungsoo fault. So, you can leave without worry now."

"If he hurt you, I can get back at him for you." Chen still tried to make Bomi talk about their break up.

"I'm the one who hurt him. So what are you gonna do?"

Chen surprised to hear Bomi answer. He didn't expect her to like him that much that makes her feeling more guilty than angry, "You're not supposed to keep thinking like that about what happened, Bomi. He's the one who stupid enough to not giving you opportunity to talk about your college secret."

"How did you know that?"

"Huh? About what?"

"Everything. About he didn't give me a chance to talk. And moreover you know that we fight because of my college secret. I never told you that."

Chen gulped and starts to search for a reason, "Chen?" Bomi asked again when Chen having trouble to explain it.

"About your college thing, I'm just guessing because when the last time I want to explain to Baekhyun that you met the headmaster not me, you were making the urgent move to stop me."

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