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Baekhyun couldn't belive what happened right now, in front of his eyes Bomi walk into his seat because she is his new seatmate. If Bomi didn't ask his permission to move his bag, maybe he just thinking he was dreaming.

"Baek, can I move your bag?"

"Oh, yes, sorry... Let me..." Baekhyun move her bag from chair so bomi can sit there.

Baekhyun want to talk to her but her friend at her back tap her shoulder and chat with her, so baekhyun just stay quiet and listen to their conversation.

"So how was your match?"

"Oh, how do you know I have a match today?"

"Mr. Kang told us when he was checking attandance earlier."

"Ah... I won today." Bomi put a big smile on her face and baekhyun who was watching her can't help but smiling too.

Bomi stop her conversation because the teacher for third period come to class, she quickly turn to face the front and she slightly catch Baekhyun smile while looking at her.

What is it? He smiling because he happy to meet me again? Ay, since when you became overconfidence about yourself, Bom. Bomi stop ask herself and just focus to the lesson roght now.

Finally it's time for first break, Bomi sigh and drop her head to table and again, Baekhyun just smiling when he saw her action. He want to talk to her so badly but then he afraid she's not gonna like it. Then her friend, Eunji and Hayoung run to her and scream 'Congratulation Bom!'

Bomi still hasn't lift her head so Eunji said, "Yah, no need to act sad like that, you can't fooled us. We know you won the match. Jiyeon is in our class so she already told us the result."

"Yah... look at the board." Bomi pointing the board that fill with Math equation that makes Eunji and Hayoung exclaimed together and understood why she's not high spirited right now.

"Let's go eat something then, that's one thing that can cheer you up." Hayoung give an idea. Then Hayoung saw Baekhyun there, "Oh, I didn't realized you here, Baekhyun."

Baekhyun just smile because he confused why Bomi friend talk to him first.

"Baekhyun, let me introduce ourselves, because Bomi soul is gone with the Math lesson right now, so she's not gonna introuduce her new friend to us." Hayoung know Bomi is glaring at her right now, but she continue with her talk, "My name is Hayoung and this one is Eunji." Hayoung pointing at Eunji and then offer her hand to Baekhyun.

"I'm Baekhyun." He still confused at what happened right now, so he can't say anything than his name.

"He's this quiet when he visited your house last time, Bom?" Hayoung ask Bomi that makes Bomi jump from her chair and push Hayoung and Eunji, "Yah... let's go to eat something!"

Baekhyun just can stare at them right now, what is this uneasy feeling? Are they planning something? Then Baekhyun saw V going inside his class to meet him, should I ask V about what happened? Ah, I guess not, maybe I just overreact. Baekhyun decide to not overthinking about what happened earlier.

At the cafetaria, Bomi, Eunji and Hayoung bought some snacks and sit on the back like they always did all this time.

"Hayoung-ah, now tell me the story. We forgot to bring this story because we got distracted with the party last time." Eunji fix her position forward to hear the story.

"Why don't you tell us, Bom." Hayoung pass it to Bomi and she fix her position like Eunji did.

Bomi know she can't avoid it like last time, but she still trying to not give out the detail about Baekhyun visit last time. "There's nothing to tell, really."

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