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Bomi keep looking around on 2nd floor, He's not here either. Where's is he exactly? Bomi then back to the 1st floor and she almost bump into someone who's coming out from male bathroom and both of them surprised to see each other.

"Bomi. Ehem, hello I guess..."

"Can I talk to you?" Bomi didn't bother to start with greeting, she finally meet with the one that she has been looking for.

"Chen chen, why are you still haven't go back to vocal club room?" Xiumin come from behind, he startled when he finally saw Bomi there, "Oh, sorry for disturbing your talk." Xiumin turn around and get away from them.

"After all these time you've been avoiding me you suddenly show up like this and ask me to talk? What is it, you miss me?"

"Not in a million years. I need to straighten out some rumor with you. Let's talk on rooftop." Bomi start walking but Chen grab her wrist, "Why don't we just talk here? You afraid someone will talk about us?"

"Okay sure, let's just tell everything in front of everyone here. Where do we start first, the fact that you're not honest about liking me or the lies that you've been told about liking me. Oh wait, that's the same thing right? Yeah, because that's the only thing we need to tell to everyone." Bomi dared him.

"YOON BOMI..." Chen raised his voice and start dragging her.

"Let me go Chen!" Bomi hitting Chen arm but he still hold her tight. "Where are you taking me now? It's not the way to the rooftop!"

Chen stop in front of radio school room and enter the room with still holding Bomi hand. "Good, no one is here. I can do whatever I want." Chen then locks the door and let go of Bomi hand. "You better not forgetting I'm a blackbelt taekwondo, Chen." Bomi move backward.

"I'll tell you all the fact about our relationship, even the fact that you're not aware of. One more thing, it's not only you that'll hear about this, I'll let everyone know about our relationship. That's one thing that'll make you satisfied right?"

Bomi realized now why Chen brings her here. She lost for word and just can staring at him start to activating the mic and the radio function.

"Test, Ah, Ah." Chen continues his talk after make sure his voice can be heard from the outside. "Hello everyone, it's about 15 mins left before the bell ring, so let me use this time to tell you some story. Oh yeah, I forgot to introducing myself. I'm Chen from class 3-E and from vocal club, I think most people will know me right? I hope it didn't sound like narcissistic thing." Chen laughs.

Someone knock from the outside and asked, "Chen, what are you doing? Can you open the door?" Bomi move to open the door, but Chen run in front of her spreading his arm to blocking her from doing that, "Please Bomi, let me do this without getting interrupted." Chen sounded so firm in his request and Bomi let him win this time so Chen back to talk from radio school.

"I'm sorry, there were some issue I had to handle. Xiumin-nim, I'm not gonna open the door so please stops knocking, that applies to everyone who wants to get in here. Let me borrow this for 15 mins, it's important for me okay?" After that Xiumin stop knocking and said, "You owe me Chen. Just make it fast."

"Okay, here's my story. One year ago, you probably heard Xiumin sudden announcement from this radio school about my relationship with Bomi. Well, let me tell you all of that was a part of some deal. I've met Bomi from performance club but we're not become friend because of that, the reason is because Bomi kindness for helping me avoiding big punishment if I didn't fulfill the dare that was set from the vocal club that time. Because of feeling grateful to her, I repay her kindness with lunch and before I know it that one thing leading to our friendship to grow. The irony thing, is that a right word? Or should I say the terrible thing I do when she kindly help me out from dare is later I've made her a dare subject.

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