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Baekhyun just watching music show when his phone ringing, he got a message.

From : Bomi

Message : Hello, baekhyun. I'm sorry if this sound so abrupt. Can you go to my house today with V? I need to give you something, but if you're busy on something, it's okay, I'll give it to you tomorrow.

Baekhyun read the message again to make sure he didn't misread the message. Oh my God, it's real. I need to go change fast. Baekhyun turn off the TV and run to his room, but he stop and turn around, silly me, I forgot to replied her message.

From : Baekhyun

Message : Hi, Bomi. V is practicing today and usually he'll finished late night, is it okay if I come alone?

From : Bomi

Message : Oh, it's okay. Since you're alone, should we doing Mr. Kang homework too? So you didn't waste your time by only accepting my abrupt request.

From : Baekhyun

Message : Hahaha, why you so serious about that. I'm okay. But, sure, better doing the homework too so we've got time if we need to searching more about it. I'll bring my note with me. See you later.

"He'll come Omma." Bomi told her mother after read Baekhyun message.

"Okay, then I'll cook something for our dinner with him. You better get ready, Bom, you can't let him see you like that." Bomi mother pointing her up and down to remind her she's messy and still in her Taekwondo uniform.

Bomi left her mother to take a bath, she's sure excited about it. I'm wondering why she like him that much.

Bomi mother sent some text before start cooking.

From : Mrs. Yoon

Message : Hayoung-ah, thanks for the information, now I can't wait to observe them with my own eyes. :)

From : Hayoung

Message : No need to thanking me. It's been a long time since I've done this kind of mission, it's fun.  But how you can observe them Mrs. Yoon?

From : Mrs. Yoon

Message : I make Bomi to invite him now, I tell her there's still remaining cake from Eunji birthday, so why not giving him the cake for saying sorry for not inviting him on Eunji birthday after he's helping us with the decoration.

From : Hayoung

Message : She okay with it? Wah, Yoon Bomi sure is changing.

From : Mrs. Yoon

Message : At first, she didn't want it. She said to just give the cake at school, but I said it'll be troublesome if her classmate saw that but we can't give them any. So she just agree with me in the end.

From : Hayoung

Message : Ah, I see. Let me know if something interesting happened, Mrs. Yoon.

From : Mrs. Yoon

Message : Of course Hayoung-ah.

Bomi mother start to cooking after finished chatting with Hayoung. She can't help grinning when she remember Hayoung previous chat that inform her Baekhyun is now Bomi seatmate and today they seem like getting along well and from what Eunji get from Hoya, Bomi seem to worried about Baekhyun earlier. Ah, my daughter sure growing up, she thought.

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