Chapter One - Come Back Home

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So, here's the first chapter. It's more like an introduction to the story and to the main character, so I hope you like it! 

Photo of Bella Hirchiman on the side >>>>>>>>


Chapter One – Come Back Home

''Another Saturday, another careless move,

Tell the world that you're thinking of what you do''

Two Door Cinema Club

                I know I should stay home and unpack. I had a lot of boxes that came from England spread around my new apartment and it was a total mess in there.

            When Carol called me, though, I couldn't refuse. She asked me to go with her to a nightclub in one of the trendiest neighborhoods here. It has been so long since I saw her last and I really miss my best friend, so I didn't think twice before accepting.

            After four years living in England, what I wanted most was a night out in my hometown to relax, drink and have fun. Even though I used to go out a lot in Bristol, it feels different when you're home.

            So I put on a tight black dress, grabbed my jacket and called a cab.

            The nightclub was right in the middle of an avenue and I remembered passing by its door before I moved to England. The place was quite changed, though. The entrance was through a square black door with a neon sign written 'Velvet Club'. Being Saturday, there was a crowd waiting to get in, so as I approached them, I called my friend to get me in there.

            "Tell the security you're my guest. He's expecting for you." She yelled, and I had to try hard to listen to her through the phone.

            "I will. See ya." I answered and hung up, looking for the security guy surrounded by people.

            As I told him who I was, he nodded and motioned for me to go in. There were some noises of people who didn't like that I didn't have to wait in line. Without caring, I just shrugged and walked in the nightclub.

            The place was full and I knew it would be nearly impossible to find Carol, so first I decided to go check on the bar.

            It wasn't a very good idea since the bar was also surrounded by people. Looking at the barman for a second, I felt like I knew him and focused my gaze trying to figure out who he was.

            So when he looked in my direction and smiled, I almost let my chin fall to the ground.

            "Mark!" I shouted, as he looked at me, surprise all over his face. After leaving a glass of beer in front of a man, he came to me, as if trying to check if I was who he thought I was.

            "Bella Hirchiman! Wow!" He said, checking me out, still amused. A few years ago I would have been ashamed by the way he was looking at me, but then I just smiled and rested my arms on the bar stand. The first thing that crossed my mind was how Mark was changed. To better. His curly brown hair was now cut shorter only with a few curls falling to his face and his body was much more masculine than before.

            "I wasn't expecting to see you here!" I told him, breaking the silence.

            "Neither was I! When did you come back?" He had to shout cause the music was loud.

            "Actually, I just got here yesterday." I answered with a smile.

            "Welcome back home Bella...So... How's your sister?" He asked, touching a soft subject. He was one of the few people who knew everything about Gabi and I moving to England.

            "She's still there with grandma and grandpa. But she's alright." I told him truthfully. Gabi just got into Uni and was thinking about moving out of our grandparents' house.

            "Right... So, good to see you again. We should meet another day." Mark said, sympathetically and I nodded. Even after everything, I still cared about him.

            "Sure!" I agreed. "I'll better leave you to your job now." I told him, realizing there were a lot of people getting irritated about him talking instead of working.

            "Yeah, so, want to drink anything?" He asked, going back to barman mode

            "A Heineken would be fine." I told him and he raised a brow. When we were younger I didn't use to drink beer but as I got older I learned to enjoy it.

            After a few moments, Mark came back with a bottle of beer "On the house!" He told me, before handing me the bottle.

            "Thanks!" I told him. "Do you have any idea where Carol might be?" I asked, just in case he knew. The place was huge and I didn't think I would be able to search everywhere.

            "With the DJ, probably." Mark told me, pointing to the left. I thanked him and went on my way to find my friend.

            Mark was right and I could recognize Carol in front of the stage, talking to a guy with headphones resting around his neck.

            "What's up, bitch?" I asked, right behind her. In a matter of seconds, she turned around and before I could see it, she hugged me tightly.

            "I missed you so much!" She told me without moving.

            "Don't-have-to-suffocate-me!" I tried to shout and, finally, she let me go.

            "Someone's looking hot tonight, huh?" She said, taking my hand on hers and making me turn aroun 360.

            I laughed and looked straight at her. Carol laughed with me and we stood there looking at each other as I realized how much I missed her.

            Even from the distance we remained best friends but being able to actually see her and spend time with her was another thing completely different and I was glad to be back.

            "Okay! Enough of this softy moment! Let's dance!" Carol shouted and grabbed me by the wrist pulling me to the middle of the dance floor.

            'Carried Away' by Passion Pit was playing and I loved that song so I closed my eyes and started moving accordingly to the song enjoying the feeling of the loud music and crowded place.  

            "I'm gonna go grab some drinks." Carol told me after a couple of songs. I just nodded and continued dancing around.

              I didn't think I would feel comfortable coming back and sometimes the memories came rushing through my mind but, surprisingly, I was able to push them away and enjoy the moment.

              "Here it goes!" My friend came back with 4 shots of tequila on her hands and handed me two.

             I wasn't expecting that but didn't complain. It would be good to feel lighter and have some fun.

            After doing the whole 'arriba, abajo, al centro y adentro' that Carol and I were used to doing since we were teenagers, I drank everything without a breath and shook my head as I felt the liquid burning through my throat.

                      It was as if I never left and those four years away never happened.  And as instinct, I knew it would be good to be back home.


So, yes, as I said before, this is more like an introuction and a filler so, keep reading and see if you like =) 

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