Chapter Four - Enjoy The Ride

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Chapter Four – Enjoy the Ride

"Tell me where'd the day go

I'm lying wide awake wondering

How it escaped"

Kate Voegele

It's been a week and still I wasn't able to forget what happened that day inside the elevator.

All the electricity in the world wouldn't be able to do this to my body. As he leaned closer, pulling me from my waist so our bodies were connected, the warmth of his body against mine made all the thoughts of pushing him away fade.

I had no idea what was going on in there but as his lips wondered to my neck sending shivers through my body, I didn't care who he was or where we were. All I knew is that I wasn't able to think straight as I ran my fingers through his hair pulling him even closer.   

And all of a sudden, someone spoke and we jumped in surprise, getting away from each other.

"Is everything okay?" Someone said from outside of the elevator.

"Yes. The elevator just stopped working." Lucas lied, trying to get his composure back. Glancing down, I saw his friend down there aroused and smiled to myself, even though I was freaking out in the inside.

Trying to put my clothes on the right place again, I took my hands to my head and tied my hair up once again.

"Ready?" Lucas asked me in a whisper and I nodded, trying to convince myself that I would be able to walk. My legs were like jelly and I thought I would fall at any moment.

"Okay." Lucas said and took a deep breath, then pushed the emergency button again and the door opened in the 1st floor.

"Goodbye Ms. Hirchiman." He told me and headed straight to the exit without looking at anyone like he was in a rush.

When I came back to the company the day after, I was told the 'boss' went on a trip to Washington and wouldn't be back for a week. I didn't know whether to feel relieved or disappointed. All I knew was that we would have to talk about our two encounters eventually and I was dreading for it to happen.

As for my job, it was going perfectly well. The company was already in good terms. The statistics were favorable and it would even be able to hire more personnel and expand. But I would have to be careful if I wanted to convince the board that it was fine to take risks. For what I've been told, the members of the board are very protective of the company and don't like when things change. So when they see a 'blonde chick' showing up and telling them to apply more money to expand business, I don't think they'll like very much.

"Bella?" I heard someone calling me and turned to see Peter in front of the door.

I already had my own office and it was quite alike the rest of the building. There were papers all around the place and even a McDonald's packaging on the desk.

"Hey, Peter." I greeted him and mentioned for him to get in. Since we first met, we clicked and now were getting along pretty well as co-workers.

"I'm going to a meeting this afternoon and Luke is arriving today. So I need a favor." He said and I nodded, waiting for him to say what it was that he wanted. "Tell him that new client called me today and that he wants to schedule a meeting." I had to write down what he said because I knew I would forget.

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