Chapter Thirty One - Lovely Tonight

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Chapter Thirty One – Lovely Tonight

"I need you to know

This won't be broken

And all that we said

Will not be lost into the dawn

And you would be the last thing I saw coming

I'm still surprised"

Joshua Radin

As I stared at myself in front of the mirror I wondered if that person was really me or if I was having some kind of hallucination.

There was this spark in my eyes and even without trying, the sides of my mouth couldn't help but lift up in a smile.

I was radiant.

And I had only one thing to blame.

Or, if better, one person.

And he was waiting for me outside of the tent, probably standing right in front of the aisle with his hands crossed and his green eyes looking everywhere with that glint of passion only he can have.

But the most important thing was that after this night, I could call him mine. In all terms.

My heart was already beating faster and my hands were cold, though my reflection in the mirror only told me that I was the luckiest girl on Earth.

The simple yet elegant white dress that I was wearing reminded me that I was supposed to walk down that aisle in a matter of two minutes or else I would have Luke freaking out.

"I told you it's hard when the time comes. And you still called me bridezilla." I heard Carol saying from behind me and turned around, seeing her reassuring smile towards me. "You're beautiful." She told me and I smiled back.

Glancing at my best friend's hand I saw the giant diamond ring she was wearing and how happy she was in the night she married Peter three months ago.

They spent an entire month in their honeymoon in Vegas and now that they were back and married, it seemed as if they were even more in love than before.

"Thanks, Carol. For everything." I thanked her and took a step forward to give her a hug, but as the weird friend she is, she stepped back.

"We don't want to ruin your dress." She explained motioning to the needlework on her bridesmaid's dress and I laughed.

"I guess we should go, then." I shrugged, getting even more nervous than before.

Why couldn't the time fly so I could be already married and on my way to the Caribbean Islands with my husband?

My husband. That was the thought that got me brave enough to leave the tent and walk to where all the guests were waiting.

Carol was silently standing by my side while we made our way to the end of the long corridor of flowers that would take me to Lucas.

We decided to have the ceremony in the backyard of his parent's house since it was the place of our first date. And it looked perfect. The sun was almost going down so the sky was in a beautiful orange shade and the few white benches were full of people that cared to us.

"I love you and you're gorgeous." Gabi whispered in my ear when Carol and I arrived in our places.

Nathaniel soon came to my side and wrapped his arm around mine in a fatherly way that made my heart calm down. When Lucas and I told him we were getting married, he didn't hesitated before asking to accompany down the aisle and I couldn't be happier to agree.

Then I Met You Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang