Chapter Eleven - Desde Cuando (Since When)

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Picture of Luna on the side >>>>>>>>>>

I love all of Alejandro Sanz's songs even though I don't quite understand it all, since I'm a Portuguese/half-English speaker so, I decided to use one of his songs here =) Hope that you'll like it


Chapter Eleven – Desde Cuando (Since when)

"Hoy te miro y siento mil cosas a la vez

Mira si busqué, mira si busqué

Tengo tanto que aprender

Todo lo que tengo es tu mirada"

(Today I look at you and feel a thousand things at the same time.

Look if I searched, Looked if I searched

I have a lot to learn

All I have is your look)

Alejandro Sanz

          The weekend passed in a hurry and when I realized it was already Sunday night and I was going to my bed, still trying to figure out how it would be at work the next day.

          I sighed deeply, getting to the conclusion that I would just act normally, then I heard the sign of a message on my cellphone.

          Lucas Farris: Goodnight Belle

          The message was simple but still it made my heart flip and a smile come to my face. It meant that he was thinking about me. And as much as I didn't like to admit, I knew I liked the guy. More than I should, if I'm honest with myself.

          Isabella Hirchiman: Goodnight Lucas

          I answered him, copying his message, and laid down turning the light of the lampshade off.

          My eyes immediately were closed and I got into a deep sleep, waking up only when I heard the alarm.  

          When I got up to the Company, my eyes flickered around the place to check if Lucas was anywhere to be seen but I knew he probably wouldn't be there yet.

          So I went to my office and turned my computer on, immediately getting a message from Carol asking me to meet her for lunch. Wondering if she would finally tell me that she was going to meet Peter again, I accepted and then grabbed the files I've been working on to start the project presentation for the next meeting that was coming next week.

          It was almost 10am when I decided to go see if Lucas had arrived. I couldn't just show up in his office with nothing to say, so I gathered the files I actually needed to show him and headed to his office.

          One of the girls from HR was staring at me walking so I decided to talk to her.

          "Do you know if Mr. Farris has arrived?" I asked professionally. She looked surprised that I was speaking to her.

          "Hmm... No. I mean... I didn't see him coming. Why?" She answered with certain difficulty.

          "I need to show him some files I've been working on." I told her and she mouthed an 'O'.

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