Chapter Thirty - How Long Will I Love You

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There's just one more official chapter left after this one!!!

When I'm done, I have a surprise so, wait and see.

I really hope you like this chapter ! I know I did...

Picture of Bella on the side >>>>>>>>>>>>


Chapter Thirty – How Long Will I love you

“How long will I love you

As long as stars are above you

And longer if I can

How long will I need you

As long as seasons need to

Follow their plan.”

Ellie Goulding

            When I got back to work in the following week I was surprised with the sense of familiarity I got while walking to my office.

            Nobody knew the reason why I wasn’t there for the past month so they weren’t the least surprised to see me coming back.

            As I took the keys out of my pocket to unlock the door, I heard someone behind me and turned around to see Peter grinning widely at me with his arms crossed against his chest.

            “Welcome back, Mrs. Hirchiman.” He said in the most fake professional voice and I nodded.

            “Thank you very much, Mr. Future Husband.” I teased and he laughed, making me certain of his and Carol’s happiness.

            “I still can’t believe she said yes.” He told me and for a second I thought he was kidding. Of course Carol would say yes. She’s in love with the guy since the first time she saw him.

            “I don’t think you’re getting rid of that one too easy. Actually, not at all.” I assured him and he smiled thankfully.

            “Since you seem to know so much about us… Carol and I wanted to ask you and Lucas to be our bestman and bridesmaid.” He said and I raised my eyebrows in surprise and deep gratification.

            “We’d love to.” I answered right at the time Lucas walked towards us with his amusing smile.

            “Good morning, Belle.” Luke said wrapping his arms around me and pulling me for a kiss, as if Peter and all the other employees weren’t there to see.

            “Am I interrupting?” Peter asked teasingly and I chuckled as Luke sent him a look that screamed ‘YES’. He had a meeting early and out of town so we didn’t spend the night together like we were doing since we got back.

            “Good morning, Peter. Bye Peter.” Lucas said and took the keys out of my hand to open the door.

            Peter shook his head at his friend’s foolishness and I laughed.

            “You should run before he cuffs you in a bed.” Peter warned me jokingly and as I got the mental image I shook my head and turned around, knowing I wouldn’t get to concentrate in work if I continued thinking about that.

            “Bye Peter.” I waved at him and closed the door behind me already looking at Lucas sprawled on my chair.

            “I think this chair belongs to me, Mr. CEO.” I told him and he shrugged.

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