Chapter Two - Drunk

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Photo of 'Stranger' a.ka. Lucas on the side >>>>>>>>>


Chapter Two – Drunk

''I wanna be drunk when I wake up

On the right side of the wrong bed''

Ed Sheeran

            My eyes felt heavy and the light coming from the window wasn't helping with my headache. I knew I would have to wake up and get up eventually but I just didn't have the strength to.

            I tried to stay quiet for as long as I could and try to sleep again but I wasn't able to move and it only took a few minutes before I gave up and decided to sit.

            I knew I was having a massive hangover so my body was feeling heavy but there was something else stopping me from moving.

            The weigh was coming from my belly and as I tried to take it off of me, I realized it wasn't just a pillow or something similar.

            Confused and surprised, I forced my eyes to open up and as I got used to the light, I looked down. It actually looked a lot more like an arm than a pillow. And it was resting against my naked body.

            As instinct, I turned my head to the side and took my hand to cover my mouth as I saw what was by my side. "Fuck!" I whisper-shouted against my hand.

            There was a naked human male body right beside me. He was full-asleep lying by my side with his right arm rested above my stomach. That freaked me out.

Not being able to think correctly, I checked him out. He wasn't covered with a blanket so I could see almost everything and damn, the guy was hot!            

As I tried to recollect what happened the night before, some flashes came to my mind and I looked around to make sure I wasn't at my apartment.

Great, you went home with a stranger!  I scolded myself, trying to remain calm. The guy was still sleeping and if I was careful enough, he wouldn't see me leaving.

I could just walk away and pretend this never happened.

Okay, I had a few one-night-stands before but I never went to the guy's house. And this time, I was completely drunk and I wasn't sure I could remember everything.

Like the name of the Greek God lying right by my side.

Was it Brooke? Or Duke?

"Okay." I whispered and took a deep breath, trying to think how to get away without being noticed.

Checking if he was really sleeping, I waved my hand in front of his face, but he didn't move and I reasoned he was a heavy-sleeper.

So, looking around to find my dress and shoes, I softly removed the arm of the stranger placing it on the bed and carefully stepped out, making sure not to make any noise.

The floor was made of wood and for a moment as I tiptoe walked, the wood made a 'crack' sound and I paralyzed. Glancing over my shoulder to make sure I was still safe, I sighed deeply and smiled to myself.

I might not remember exactly what his name was but the memory of what we did the night before was quite clear in my head. He knew right where to touch me and what to do and say at the right time. My body still had memories of his touch.

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