Chapter Fourteen - Bliss

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Picture of Nathaniel on the side >>>>>


Chapter Fourteen – Bliss

"Everything about you

Resonates happiness

Now I won't settle for less."


I lifted my chin up to meet Lucas's gaze on me. He was grinning and I wanted to slap him for laughing at my desperation but I would never do that.

"Relax, okay?" He ran his thumb through my cheek and I sighed. "Everything is going to work out just fine." It was easy for him to say that. Wasn't him the one responsible for convincing the whole board that the company was able to expand internationally. 

I tapped my fingers on the desk and closed my eyes, trying to calm down.

"Do you trust me?" Lucas asked and I opened my eyes to look at him. For a second I thought about the answer but deep down I knew it was a big fat 'yes'. "I'll be there to help you." He said and I instantly felt more comfortable.

"Promise?" I asked, more as a command.

"I promise." Lucas said and leaned closer to me, until his lips touched mine, sending shivers through my body.

"Am I interrupting something?" I jumped in surprise and both me and Lucas looked at the front of the office, where Peter was standing with a huge grin on his face.

"Yes!" Lucas accused and stepped away from me, sending a reprimanding look at his friend. I shook my head and laughed at them, then grabbed the files and the flash drive I needed for the meeting.

"We were just leaving for the meeting." I told Peter then looked at Lucas with his arms crossed against his chest. "Which begins in 5." I remembered him.

"Your dad and the others are already waiting." Peter said and motioned to the hallway. Lucas wasn't very pleased to be interrupted but ended up following us out the office.

I sighed deeply and tried to relax as we walked towards the meeting room.

"Isabella!" Lucas's father saw us coming and got up from his chair, walking towards me with his arms open. His friendly smile making me feel much better.

"Nathaniel." I greeted him and wasn't surprised as he pulled me to a hug.

"You look more beautiful than the last time I saw you." He told me while holding both of my arms and I blushed.

"That's just you being nice." I told him and Lucas cut me. "I don't think mom would like to see you flirting with another woman, dad."

Nathaniel sent his son a mysterious glare and laughed. "For this one, she wouldn't mind." He said and then looked at me. "My wife knows I only have eyes for her." I smiled at his statement and that made me remember about my own parents, so I bit my lips and tried to put away the hurt and sadness that was brought to my memory.

As if sensing I wasn't at my best position, Lucas put his hand on his father's shoulder. "Let's get to business, shall we?" He asked and I thanked him mentally. I wasn't expecting to have memories rushing through my mind like that and I was glad Luke helped me out.

"Is everything okay?" He asked when Nathaniel entered the room to join the other members.

"I'm fine... Just nervous." I told him but I knew by the look he gave me, he didn't buy my excuse. Still, he nodded and, after checking if there was anyone around, he gave me a light kiss on the forehead.

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