Chapter Twelve - My Girl

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Picture of Lucas's favorite place >>>>>>>>>>>

This is a classic song and I  really like it! But I decided to use a different version, from a Brazilian singer called Tiago Iorc. 

(He's great, btw)


Chapter Twelve – My Girl

"I guess you'd say

What can make me feel this way?

My girl."

The Temptations (Tiago Iorc's version)

          I was confused and going through a deep mess inside my head. I couldn't even figure out what was happening with me.

            The whole week passed in a blur and only Friday night I realized I didn't know what was going on between me and Lucas at all.

            Every day he would go to my office and say good morning. Eventually we ended up making out. That also happened before lunch and when my shift ended. It was like a secret affair, since no one knew. Not even Carol, my best friend, knew about it, or else she could end up telling Peter since they were still going out and Lucas didn't tell Peter. Just... confusing.

            But the thing was, I was in deep trouble dwelling with my feelings.

            At the same moment I wanted to give in and jump at these crazy sensations I got every time I was near Lucas, I also wanted to protect myself from heartache. In my life, I was used with people leaving. And my reason pushed away every possibility of another person entering my life. It was just too risky.

            My phone started ringing and I sighed, stopping my thoughts.

            Without recognizing the number, I answered. "Hello?"

            "Bella?" I heard the familiar voice but didn't know exactly who it was.

            "Yes." I answered the man in the other line.

            "It's Mark!" He said and I instantly recognized his voice. "I got your number with Carol."

            "Hey Mark. How are you?" I asked him, glad that he called.

            "I'm fine, what about you?" Mark asked me sounding worried.

            "I'm good." I answered vaguely.

            "You never came back to the club after you got back." He said and memories of my first night back home came to my mind. Mark was working as a barman in the nightclub I went with Carol.

            "True. I'm working in this big company and I get kind of busy." I told him honestly. Since I started working at M-Tech all I wanted to do in my free time was to relax.

            "I know how that is. But when you have time to spare, don't think twice before calling me, okay?" Mark told me and I smiled. "Especially now that you have my number."

            "Okay, okay. I promise I'll call you." I told him. "Now tell me how your parents are." I asked, thinking about Mr. and Mrs. Hale.

            "They are fine... Better, I guess. Some nights I still hear them crying but I think that's normal." Mark told me now sounding sadder. I couldn't lie and say I wasn't sad too.

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