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 "That was my tail!" Winterkit, a white, gray, and black she-kit meowed to her sister, Featherkit, a small completely white she-kit. Darkkit, a completely black kit tossed a mossball into the air and quickly all three kits where chasing after it, not having much care in the world yet. Morningriver, their mother,  a gray she with white spots chuckled to herself.

"Kit's will be kits," The brown tom Windsparrow commented. Morningriver nodded and tossed another mossball to the kits, who quickly abandoned the other mossball and where now chasing after the other one.

"Now kits, we don't want to cause trouble now do we?" Morningriver put a fluffy paw out and the kits stopped in front of it.

"I think it is some little kit's bedtime," She meowed. She hushed the complaining kits with a sweep of her tail and led them into the nursery. Winterkit gave a giant yawn. Darkkit was already asleep, and Featherkit was purring herself to sleep. Morningriver wrapped her tail around her kits to keep them warm, gave each of them a quick lick on the head and fell asleep.


Where am I? Rainheart, the blue she medicine cat wondered. A white starry she cat came up to Rainheart, seeming to appear from nowhere.

"There is something I need to warn you of!" The starry cat hissed.

Rainheart's heart pounded, knowing that she would have to be strong enough to hold the warning. 

"Beware of a cat that has no care for goodness, and wishes to destroy! A cat who plays in the winter and frost will have to be guided to overcome this evil!" the starry cat meowed, voice echoing. 

"Wait! Tell me more!" Rainheart pleaded but the starry cat was already fading away.

"Beware of the cat that most will fear!" and the cat was gone. 

Rainheart woke up in her den. It was quiet and it was moonhigh. The smell of herbs soothed her. She got up, stretched, and padded out of the den. She stared up at the stars, hoping that Starclan might give her another clue, but the only thing in the sky where stars and the big bright moon. 

"Oh, Starclan." she murmured.

"I need more information, I can't figure this out on my own!" Suddenly, there was a voice that whispered in her ear.

"Starclan has already sent a cat that will help you figure it out." and then, silence.

Warrior cats: The making of destruction #1: The Three NewcomersDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora