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 "Good job, Darksoul. Finally, you have gotten Winterfrost exiled. Your power is very useful. We will use it in the future." Darkstripe purred. His purr was not normal, it was a purr of evil.

"Thank you, Darkstripe. Also, I heard about Tigerstar. I am sorry about your friend." Darksoul meowed, dipping his head.

"Tigerstar? He was weak! Too weak to defeat Firestar! He is not my friend anymore." Darkstripe growled, fur bristling.

"Darkstripe, Firestar died too," Icefang pointed out darkly.

"You think I don't know that?" Darkstripe spat, fur bristling.

"Firestar died because it was his time! Not because of Tigerstar! Tigerstar only weakened him!" He yowled, eyes burning and teeth bared.

"Darkstripe, don't get your fur ruffled" Snowtuft hissed, standing up. Thistleclaw took a step towards Snowtuft.

"Darkstripe is right! Tigerstar should have gone for Firestar's throat before Firestar killed him! Tigerstar was pathetic. First, killed by a tiny little apprentice, then killed by a mouse-brained kittypet!" Thistleclaw growled. Snowtuft glared at Thistleclaw as he sat back down.

"Darksoul, if you use your power wisely, you could become the most powerful cat in the forest, and nobody would dare defy you." Darkstripe went on, ears perked.

"Winterfrost was a waste of skin and fur. It was easy to get her exiled. I knew that if I used one of Cloudclan's cats to kill Featherwisp, Winterfrost would go mad. Thats why cats like us should rule the forest. We would make sure nothing like that happened! We would make sure no cat outside the clans would get into the forest, and we would get rid of all the cats that don't have pure warrior blood!" Darksoul declared. A chorus of happy and excited yowling went up.

"Be patient, my cats! We have to be patient. Most of the Dark forest cats no longer join us because of the last battle. They have become to scared to attack anything else. We need to gather up all the cats we can. Darksoul, you need to get cats from your clan and other clans to join us. If possible, get Darkclan and Cloudclan to join too. And then, my fellow warriors, we will rule everything!" Darkstripe yowled.

Warrior cats: The making of destruction #1: The Three NewcomersWhere stories live. Discover now