Chapter 20

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 Winterfrost woke up to the sound of pawsteps coming from around the camp. She tasted the air quickly and gasped.

Darkclan was going to ambush again!

She got up and leaped out of the nursery, yowling a warning as loud as she could.

She didn't care if the Darkclan cats heard her. She would give her life for Rainclan if she had to.

Quickly, everyone was up and about. Ears pricked and alert. Nothing. Not a sound happened. Had Winterfrost mistaken? 

Then suddenly Poppyroot, who was guarding the camp, gave a loud piercing screech and then silence. 

"Poppyroot?!" Winterfrost exclaimed, rushing to the entrance of the camp.

When she got out of the camp she halted and gasped. In front of her was the entire clan of Darkclan! A blue tom held Poppyroot limp in his jaws. Poppyroot had a large gash on his neck. He was alive, but stunned.

Winterfrost spun around and dashed back into the camp, yowling.

"Rainclan, attack!" she yowled as the Darkclan cats came pouring in after her. 

The Rainclan cats launched themselves into battle, locking with other cats and fighting for their clan.

Winterfrost dodged the battling cats until she got to the nursery. She pelted inside and quickly pulled the leafs that released the shield. She already knew what would happen and pulled the shield down, ripping it from the cat on the nursery roof's grasp.

She nudged everyone awake quietly.

"Wh-wha?" Mistyfire mumbled.

"It's too early to wake up." Grumbled Riverfeather.

"Darkclan ambushed! Come on, we have to get out of the camp." Winterfrost whispered, leading all the queens and kits out through the secret exit.

The cats and kits walked a fair ways until they got to the old fox den. Then, one by one, everyone climbed in. It was really large. A wolf could get into it.

Winterfrost did a check to see if all her kits where there.

She was horrifiied to find only 12 of her kits there. Winterfrost had to find the other three, and fast!

"I'm going to go look for them!" She yowled as she pelted back into the camp. 

She looked around wildly, eyes wide. Then, suddenly, she saw them.

Snowykit, Mountainkit, and Firekit where surrounded by clawing, hissing, Darkclan cats. Snowykit was limp on the ground, alive but wounded, and the other two where guarding her, fur fluffed up and teeth bared.

Winterfrost didn't waste another moment. She quickly leaped as high as she could and landed next to her kits. She knew that she wouldn't get all of them out in time so she pushed the kits under her and guarded them.

The Darkclan warriors where closing in on them, lashing out but never hitting them.

Winterfrost knew she had to fight or they would all die.

She slid her claws out and lashed out at the nearest cat, a black she-cat. She hissed and backed away, joining the other fighting cats. Now only five where surrounding. 

Suddenly, all of them leaped onto her, clawing at her madly but she never got all the wounds that they placed.

Winterfrost kicked out and was satisfied when she felt her legs hit a cat in the chest. She held on until the cat ripped itself from her grasp, then ran. 

What happened next was a surprise and was uncontrolled. Winterfrost lashed out as much as she could and suddenly turned into a clawing hissing tornado, clawing all the cats surrounding her and making them run as fast as they could.

Then, Winterfrost felt herself falling to the ground as everything went black.


Yea, I know. Almost every time she is in a battle she faints. Let me explain that because I can't weasel explanations into the story. So, Winterfrost has powers as you know. So, when she is using one of them, the others go all crazy because the balance is sort of messed up. If she uses the power to strongly, she will be overwhelmed and faint. That is why she keeps fainting. Kinda hard to understand because I am writing this book really fast. Anyways, Comment and please vote! =3

Warrior cats: The making of destruction #1: The Three NewcomersWhere stories live. Discover now