Chapter 26

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"Winterfrost, now will you tell us what happened back there?" Rabbitstar asked politely, the other cats that where on the patrol where gathered around her. Featherwisp had come too, and Rainheart. Rabbitstar had asked them to come because they are medicine cats. Winterfrost knew she would have to tell them the truth. She took a deep breathe as she started.

"When I was an apprentice, I got lots of battle moves right. Along with hunting too. I never missed Poppyroot when I was battle training, and I didn't miss even a mouse at hunting." Winterfrost began, forsing herself to continue in a calm voice.

"I just believed that all apprentices got it right on the first time. But Darksoul haden't and neither had Featherwisp. I also noticed a small fly across the camp. Neither Darksoul or Featherwisp could see it until we came closer."

"Wait, what does this have to do with what we just saw?" Darksoul hissed impatiently.

"Let her continue." Rabbitstar meowed, dipping his head to Winterfrost to allow her to go on.

"Also, later, I found out that I can see things in another place even when I'm not there. And then appear there if I want to. I'll show you if you don't believe me," Winterfrost thought hard about outside of the den and the camp and imagined herself sitting in the clearing. Then, she was there. The cats poked their heads out of the den wide eyed. Winterfrost quickly padded back in.

"Then, in a dream, a cat came to me and told me that I have powers and a cat named Yellowfang would come to me each night and tell me a power I have if I don't figure them out in time. She came to me only a few days later, and told me about my hearing power. I can hear things from more than a forest away." Winterfrost went on.

"Thats not true!" Darksoul scoffed.

"Yes it is!" Winterfrost's fur bristled.

"Okay, I'll go out of the camp and whisper something. Tell me what I said, and I will believe you." Darksoul meowed and left the den and out of the camp.

Winterfrost listened closely and heart exactly what he said. Darksoul was back quickly.

"You said Foxes are not friendly any day any time." Winterfrost meowed.

Darksoul's eyes became wide, then he flicked his tail, clearly annoyed that he had been wrong.

"After she came to me for a while she stopped doing it. I don't know why but I'm sure she has to be fine. Anyways, what most of you saw was because all my powers where reacting. Those powers and meant for a bigger cat so I had to be a bigger cat to keep from fainting. And also to scare the Darkclan cats away." Winterfrost finished. The den was silent for a while, then Rabbitstar spoke.

"You have to ue your powers wisely, Winterfrost. Don't use them to become evil. Use them with respect. Starclan must be able to take them away, so don't abuse that you have them." He meowed. 

Winterfrost nodded and left the den, knowing that now a small group of cats in the clan knew her secret.


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