Chapter 24

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It had been two moons since Winterfrost and Featherwisp had talked, but Winterfrost didn't care. Her sister thought that Mountainkit and Snowykit could never fully been true warriors, and Winterfrost had been training the two and preparing them for their apprentice ceremony.

The other four kits in the nursery, Sunnykit, Blackkit, Flutterkit, and Streamkit, had become apprentices the moon before. Sunnykit had gotten Crowsong as a mentor, Blackkit got Redclaw, Flutterkit got Toadleap, and Streamkit got Blueriver.

Today was the day that Winterfrost's kits would be apprenticed! But there weren't enough healed cats in the clan to mentor them. Including Winterfrost, there was only ten cats that where healed. Take away five because five already have apprentices, and that only leaves five! Each mentor would have to mentor three kits!

Wait, Rabbitstar could mentor too. Winterfrost thought. Then, three cats could mentor two apprentices and three could mentor three.

All this thinking made Winterfrost's head hurt. She padded outside the camp to get some air. Since she had been preparing Mountainkit and Snowykit, she hadn't gone out of the camp or gone to gatherings. 

The forest floor felt good beneath her paws, and she savored the moment. Then she walked back into the camp. The ceremony would be soon, and she didn't want to miss it.


Sorry that this was such a short chapter. Kinda running out of ideas but won't give up on writing this! Comment and please vote! =3

Warrior cats: The making of destruction #1: The Three NewcomersWhere stories live. Discover now