Chapter 28

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 The cats that had been chosen to go to the gathering were now there, talking with the Sunclan cats. Dawnclan and Darkclan had not yet arrived. Winterfrost looked around the Rainclan cats. Poppyroot, Mintfur, Lillyheart, Windfang, Fishclaw, Shiningpelt, Darksoul, Icefang, Blackpool, and all of the apprentices. Rabbitstar had onl allowed Featherwisp to come as the medicine cat because Rainheart would have to treat Weedbite because he had caught greencough and wouldn't be able to attend this gathering.

Winterfrost perked her ears as Darkclan and Cloudclan made their way into the clearing together, the two clans glaring at the other two. All the clans glared at eachother for a moment before Rabbitstar called the meeting.

"Rainclan is doing well and the prey is still running! We also have two new warriors, Windfang and Lillyheart!" Rabbitstar stopped as the clans called their names. Winterfrost noticed that only Sunclan and Rainclan were completely cheering but only a few cats from Darkcan and Cloudclan were.

"We also have 15 new apprentices," Winterfrost stopped listening while Rabbitstar said the names of all the apprentices. She already knew her kit's names!

It was complete noise when the cheering started. Winterfrost quietly cheered her kit's names and saw them all lined up next to eachother, standing proud and tall.

"That is all the news we have right now." Rabbitstar finished and dipped his head to Dawnstar, and allowed Dawnstar to take his place.

"Our clan is very well recovering from the event that took place a few days ago but our clan is ready if any more mishaps happen," She glared at Thornstar darkly, then went on.

"Our prey was scared away by the same mishap but it has returned and our clan is prepared for anything right now." nodded to Shadowstar and lept off the rockpile.

"Cloudclan has nothing to say to Rainclan and Sunclan. You two clans have been so rude to Darkclan lately." He gave Thornstar an approving look and went back to the Cloudclan cats to sit and watch.

"Rainclan and Sunclan have made a big mistake trying to fight us back." Thornstar spat. Winterfrost's eyes became wide as clouds started to move towards the moon.

"And one of Rainclan's cats have killed one of our apprentices!" Thornstar's yowl echoed through the forest and silenced whispering cats. 

"Whitepaw will be avenged!" Thornstar screeched, amber eyes shining.

"Darknessclan, attack!" He yowled. Darkclan and Cloudclan flung themselves at the Rainclan and Sunclan cats. Winterfrost hissed as a Darkclan slammed into her.

"You and your brother will pay for my kit's death!" the she-cat growled, digging her claws into Winterfrost's back. Winterfrost turned over and sprung her paws up, launching the cat back and leaving her with four long wounds.

"Winterfrost! Take the apprentices back to camp and get backup!" Winterfrost heard a strange voice. Not knowing what to do, she obeyed and ran over to her kits.

"Follow me!" She meowed. The apprentices obeyed and followed her into the forest. They broke into a run back to the camp and burst through the camp entrance soon.

"Apprentices, go to the apprentice den and stay there!" Winterfrost ordered. She knew what she had to do. She lept on top of the leader's den.

"All cats old enough to..." this was taking to long. She needed them out here now!

"All cats come out to the clearing now!" Winterfrost yowled loudly. 

Surprised cats padded out of their dens sleepily except the apprentices, who hid in the apprentice den.

"What are you doing up there?" The elder Whiskerseed rasped. Prowlfang, the second oldest elder, hushed her before she could say more.

"Hey, Whiskerseed has a point! You aren't deputy or leader! Get off of there!" Gorseleg hissed. But Winterfrost ignored the cats that where complaining.

"Darkclan and Cloudclan have joined up and are attacking! We need the rest of the warriors to come to the gathering place for help!" Winterfrost yowled and glanced up at the sky. The moon was covered by clouds but Winterfrost heard the cats still fighting.

The remaining warriors rushed out of the camp quickly.

"Elders, and apprentices stay in the camp!" Winterfrost ordered and followed the warriors out. She needed to get there now though! She imagined herself at the gathering and was there instantly as expected.

 She dodged a tom that lunged at her and leaped over to Featherwisp, who was hiding with the other medicine cats. Winterfrost nodded to her and rushed back into battle. She leaped on the back of a tom who was about to spring at Rabbitstar, and dug her claws into his back.  The tom screeched and kicked up, flinging her off. 

Winterfrost got on her feet again and charged into the tom, clawing his shoulder and nipping his tail as he fled. Suddenly, there was a loud yowl and Cloudclan and Darkclan retreated into the forest. Winterfrost felt pride. They are afraid of us! Hopefully they won't attack again! Then she heard another yowl, but this one was full of sorrow.

"Rabbitstar!" Featherwisp yowled and ran over to Rabbitstar. Winterfrost raced after her and skidded to a halt in front of his motionless body.

"He's loosing a life." Featherwisp murmured. She looked at Winterfrost.

"When he wakes up he will only have one life left." She whispered, Winterfrost was struck with horror. He had to wake up! She was relieved when she saw him suddenly gasp for air and struggle to his paws.

"Sunclan, I suggest you return to your camp." Rabbitstar meowed, sounding strong but a little bit bewildered.

"Rainclan will return to their camp too." Rabbitstar said and led Rainclan into the forest towards Rainclan camp. Winterfrost looked up at the sky. The moon seemed to not be shining through the clouds that covered it but Winterfrost knew it was still there. There seemed to be a new star in the sky though.

Was that star Rabbitstar's lost life? Or was it another cat? She gasped in shock when she and Rainclan returned to the camp...


What happened? What is that knew star? Could it be a seperate cat, or Rabbitstar's lost life? Comment and please vote! =3

Sorry that I didn't post this sooner! I got kinda lazy with this and didn't even go on wattpad for a while. I promise I will finish making this book! I won't give up like I do on so many other books......

Warrior cats: The making of destruction #1: The Three NewcomersWhere stories live. Discover now