Chapter 5: The Sunclan Apprentice

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 When she and Poppyroot had come back, Winterpaw had put one rabbit on the fresh kill pile and took the bigger one to share with Featherpaw. She decided not to tell Featherpaw about the training because it might just cause more confusion.

"Training as a medicine cat is so hard!" Featherpaw complained, chewing slowly the piece of rabbit she had in her mouth.

"I know what you mean, hunting has been hard too! It took me a few tries to catch even two rabbits!" Winterpaw lied, biting her tounge after it.

"Featherpaw! Come and help me with Lillykit! She has a thorn in her paw that needs to get treated!" Rainheart called from the medicine den.

"Oh, have to go," said Featherpaw as she quickly finished the rest of her share of rabbit and stood up.

"See you later!" She called as she bounded towards the medicine den. 

Winterpaw nodded, her mouth full, and finished the rest of the rabbit. She stretched out and was about to go out to hunt when Blackpool crossed her path, giving her a hard glare. What was that all about? Winterpaw wondered. Someone got up on the wrong side of the nest! Winterpaw gave a small hiss and finally was able to get out of the camp.

The forest smells where so calming and soothing. Winterpaw wondered how a kittypet would be able to stand staying inside a house most of the day. Yet, even some kittypets never even got to leave their nest! They would just sit in a window looking into the forest yet are never able to jump out when their twoleg opens the door to leave the house.

Winterpaw desided to go to the edge of Rainclan territory where their territory and Sunclan territory met at the border. Maybe she could steal a mouse or two from them. As soon as she thought about hunting a mouse on their territory she took it back. Though they deserved it, with all their prey they have been boasting about every time there is a gathering.

She quickly slipped through the forest, crossing the river and reaching the border in no time. The other border touched the territory of Darkclan. Darkclan usually never strayed across the border line but sometimes their scent was stronger and angrier then usual. Sunclan, however, always crossed the border. There was a river close to the border and a little farther down was the border line.

Winterpaw marked the border on Rainclan's side to prove she was there. She then noticed an odd smell, but it was too late before she realized it was a Sunclan cat. The cat yowled and flung himself at her, making her stagger. But Winterpaw grabbed him and they rolled down the small slope that the border scent markers where placed.

When Winterpaw finally regrouped she saw a tom standing on top of her, about apprentice size. He was a golden tom with a white spot on his tail and amber eyes. Suddenly, their eyes locked on each other. The tom holding her gaze and Winterpaw holding him.

"Oh s-sorry, I thought y-you where a rouge." The tom stammered, letting her get up.

"I-It's okay-y." Winterpaw meowed quietly.

"What are you doing so close to the border?" The tom asked, tilting his head.

"I should ask you the same!" Winterpaw retorted playfully.

"I'm Firepaw, a Sunclan apprentice. Recently apprenticed!" The tom said.

"I was recently made an apprentice too!" Winterpaw exclaimed.

"I'm Winterpaw!" She continued.

"Cool name," Firepaw said, eyes sparkling.

"Hey, how about we come here every night?" Firepaw suggested carefully.

"I'd love that! But maybe we should go outside the clan territories. You know, so that we won't get caught and all." Winterpaw whispered.

Firepaw nodded. "See you tomorrow, since it will be the gathering and all." Then he bounded back into his territory, flicking his tail happily. 

Winterpaw decided she should go back to Rainclan because the moon was now high in the sky. But first, she thought maybe she should catch something just so she has a reason for being out so late in case she got caught.

When she had caught a large mouse, she headed back to camp. When she got to the camp, everyone was asleep except for Toadleap, who nodded at her mouse and allowed her in. But it was hard to sleep, because she was thinking about Firepaw.


What do you think Firepaw thinks? Is he happy? Sad? Angry? What about Winterpaw? How do you think she feels? Comment and vote please! =3

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