Chapter 12

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Featherwisp had been avoiding Winterfrost all day. Winterfrost would ask if she wanted to hang out later but Featherwisp would make escuses like "Oh, I have to collect herbs later" or "I think Rainheart is calling me". Winterfrost felt like she was getting further from her sister all the time. 

Winterfrost decided to go hunting, seeing as how in a few days it would be Leaf-fall and it would be harder to hunt with all the leafs crackling beneath her paws.

She had caught four mice, a rabbit, two squirrels, and a crow by sunhigh. She took her catch back to camp quickly.

As she was going to hunt some more when Weedbite, the deputy, put her on a patrol.

"I don't remember you ever going on border patrol!" Weedbite exclaimed.

"You will be on patrol with Darksoul, Icefang, and Blackpool." He said.

Oh great. I get stuck with the grumble, the rude, and the stare. Winterfrost thought but didn't complain out loud. 

Darksoul led the way out of the camp and towards the Darkclan border.

When they got to the border, Darksoul started placing scent markers along with Icefang. Blackpool glared at Winterfrost before placing scent markers too. Winterfrost glared back and placed scent markers quickly.

"Okay, lets go." Blackpool said darkly. Then, suddenly, there was a rustle and a Darkclan patrol appeared out of the Darkclan forest. It was two apprentices and three warriors. Outnumbered by one but two where apprentices.

"Hello, prey stealers." A grey warrior growled.

"We didn't take your prey, mouse-brains." Icefang retorted.

"Then how come we scented it, huh?" A black warrior hissed.

"Because you don't know the difference between a Darkclan scent and a fox scent." Blackpool grunted.

"Are you trying to start a fight? Because we outnumber you just so you know." A brown tabby grumbled.

"Yea, by a puny little apprentice!" Darksoul snickered.

"We arent puny!" The white apprentice protested.

"Yea!" The gray one agreed.

"Okay, we will show you how a Rainclan warrior fights!" Darksoul laughed, lunging at the white apprentice and biting his throat while the apprentice yowled and squirmed.

"DARKSOUL!" Winterfrost screeched, leaping at him. She ripped him from the apprentice and dragged him back across the border. The apprentice crumpled to the ground and was wailing in pain.

"That apprentice needed to be taught not to mess with Rainclan!" Darksoul protested.

"Good job, Darksoul. I taught you well." Icefang meowed proudly.

"WELL? WELL?" Winterfrost was screeching.

"YOU TAUGHT HIM TO ATTACK APPRENTICES FROM OTHER CLANS?" Winterfrost's head was spinning. Icefang was the reason Darksoul didn't care much about her anymore! It was all Icefang!

"He asked for it." Blackpool growled.

"We are leaving!" Winterfrost said, leading the way back to camp.

Darksoul shot a glare at the patrol again and started following along with the others. 

Winterfrost was going to tell Rabbitstar about this! Attacking an apprentice without warning, and almost killing him! Boy, was Darksoul asking for trouble!


What do you think so far? Pretty crazy, right? What are your thoughts on Darksoul? What about Winterfrost and Fireclaw? Share your thoughts! I want to hear them! Comment and please vote. =3

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