Chapter 22

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"Your all set. Just be careful on that leg, the wound might reopen if you are rough on it." Featherwisp meowed to Winterfrost.

"Thank you, Featherwisp." Winterfrost purred and gave Featherwisp a lick on te head, then left the den.

Winterfrost made her way back to the nursery, forcing herself to walk properly despite the pain that her leg was giving. 

"Winterfrost, Winterfrost!" Winterfrost heard Graykit call.

"What is it?" Winterfrost answered. 

"Wolfkit and Rainkit won't let me play! They say I'm too small to play with them!" The calico kit wailed.

"Wolfkit, Rainkit! Come here please." Winterfrost called.

"Yes, Winterfrost?" Wolfkit mewed.

"Yes, Winterfrost?" Rainkit echoed.

"Let Graykit play with you. Just because she is small, doesn't mean she isn't your sister." Winterfrost said sternly.

"Okay." Wolfkit and Rainkit chorused.

"Come on, Graykit! Lionkit and Featherkit are winning more points!" Wolfkit meowed as the kits charged into the nursery.

The whole clan had greived for Morningriver the night before but the kits didn't seem to notice anything.

The elders, Whiskerseed, Windfur, and Clawtail had carried Morningriver out of the camp slowly as if they didn't want to see her go. Whiskerseed was really sad, since Morningriver was her only kit. 

Winterfrost felt bad for the old gray tabby she-cat. She was the oldest cat in the camp, about 124 moons old. Whiskerseed must know that she will join Starcan soon, at her age.

On the good side, Winterfrost's kits where now four moons old. Smallclaw's kit, Ravenkit, was six moons old and was ready to have a mentor and apprentice name.

Winterfrost wanted an apprentice but she was a queen, and wasn't allowed to mentor while caring for kits. Then, Rabbitstar padded out of his den.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, join here beneath the clan-rock for a clan meeting!" Rabbitstar yowled and sat on top of the clan-rock.

All the warriors emerged from their dens and gathered in the clearing. A few warriors padded out of the medicine den. Winterfrost sat down by the nursery. Ravenkit was messy furred when he came out of the nursery. Winterfrost quickly padded over to him and started grooming his messy fur. 

Then, she allowed him to go gather with the rest of the clan. It should be Smallclaw grooming Ravenkit, not me. Winterfrost thought sadly.

"Many of you know that Ravenkit has reached six moons of age as is ready to become an apprentice." Rabbitstar meowed strongly.

"Ravenkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is tmie for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Ravenpaw. Now, a lot of Rainclan's warriors are badly injured and uncapable of training an apprenitce. I believe the only cat that isn't to badly injured is Darksoul." He looked at Darksoul.

"Darksoul, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Icefang, and you have shown yourself to be strong and able. You will be the mentor of Ravenpaw, and I expect you pass on all you know to Ravenpaw." 

Darksoul reluctantly touched noses with an eager Ravenpaw.

"Ravenpaw! Ravenpaw!" Cheered the clan

"There are no more kits ready to be apprenticed right now, but there are a couple of apprentices that look ready to be made warriors." Rabbitstar continued.

"Amberpelt, Weedbite? Have Lillypaw and Windpaw earned becoming warriors?" 

The two warriors nodded.

"Then I, Rabbitstar, leader of Rainclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprneitces. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn." Rabbitstar turned towards Lillypaw.

"Lillypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" he asked.

"I do!" She said excitedly.

"Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Lillypaw, from this moment you will be known as Lillyheart. Starclan honors your kindness, and we welcome you as a full warrior o Rainclan!" Lillyheart licked Rabbitstar's shoulder and Rabbitstar rested his chin on her head. Now he turned towards Windpaw.

"Windpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Windpaw said blankly.

"Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Windpaw, from this moment you will be known as Windfang. Starclan honors your courage, and we welcome you as a full warrior o Rainclan!" Rabbitstar's voice rang out.

Windpaw quickly licked Rabbitstar's shoulder and Rabbitstar rested his chin on his head.

"Lillyheart! Windfang! Lillyheart! Windfang!" The clan cheered.

Winterfrost remembered her warrior ceremony. It was around that time that Darksoul began to become, well, strange.

"Winterfrost, I want to be an apprentice." mewed a small voice. Winterfrost turned around and saw Snowykit looking up at her.

"Don't worry. You will." Winterfrost sighed and started grooming Snowykit.


Hmm, why'd Snowykit ask to be an apprentice? Is there something going on? Why hasn't Yellowfang shown up in dreams? Some of these answers will be in the next chapter! Comment and please vote! =3

Warrior cats: The making of destruction #1: The Three NewcomersWhere stories live. Discover now