Chapter 29

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 Winterfrost stared into the clearing with wide eyes. The rest of the patrol stopped in their tracks as they couldn't believe their eyes.

Most everything had been destroyed! Nests had been dragged out of dens, the smell of blood was overwhelming. But it got worse. There was about six apprentices laying around the camp with large wounds, the rest of the apprentices crouched in the apprentice den, shivering and wailing.

Winterfrost felt a wail rise in her throat and she ran over to where her sister was laying outside the medicine den. Rainheart was crouched over her with tears in her eyes.

"Sh-she has to be okay!" Winterfrost wailed.

"What happened?" Rabbitstar demanded, leading the rest of the patrol into the camp.

"Darkclan..... Cloudclan........ attacked..." Rainheart choked out, still grieving for her apprentice.

"I'm so sorry..." Rainheart murmured into Featherwisp's fur.

"What do you mean, you're sorry?" Winterfrost hissed.

Rainheart looked up at Winterfrost from were she crouched, then began to tell the cats what happened...


Featherwisp's pov

Featherwisp watched as her sister and the patrol raced out of the camp. What would it be like to be a warrior, ready to risp everything for the protection of the rest of the clan. She quickly dismissed the thought. Medicine cats aren't allowed to fight in battles unless given permission from their leader.

"Featherwisp, we need some more catmint. Could you look for some at the old rose bush?" Rainheart surprised her. Featherwisp dipped her head and padded out of the camp. She quickly arrived at the old rose bush. The catmint was still green, despite the weather was getting cooler.

She crouched down and stretched her neck in a way that she wouldn't get poked by the thorns on the rose bush. She grasped the catmint in her teeth and slowly pulled it from the ground, careful not to rip the roots out so that it could grow back.

As she padded back to camp, she heard screeching noises. Probably just from the gathering. She told herself quickly and kept walking. But as she got closer, the hisses and yowls got louder. Oh no! The camp is being attacked! She dropped the catmint, leaving it in it's place and raced to the camp, her tail streaming out behind her.

"Rainheart? Rainheart!" Featherwisp yowled as she tumbled into the camp. Her eyes widened as she saw what they were up against. I thought all the Darkclan and Cloudclan cats were at the gathering!

Suddenly, a gray she-cat leaped on top of her. Featherwisp hissed and shook her fur in attempt to throw the cat off, but she had been prepared and just dug her claws into her back even more. Featherwisp leaped up onto her hind legs and fell backwards onto the gray cat. Then, quickly rolled over and clawed the cat's exposed belly. She yowled in pain and wriggled free, leaping away from her.

"Serves you right for attacking a medicine cat!" Featherwisp spat after her. Then she turned and rushed into the medicine den. Rainheart had just shoved a brown tom out of the den. When Featherwisp stepped into the medicine den Rainheart turned and glared at her, leaping at her with razor sharp claws.

"Wha-" Featherwisp was cut off as Rainheart slammed her into the other side of the den, eyes narrowed ready to attack again. Then, her eyes widened as she looked at Featherwisp.

"Featherwisp! I'm so sorry! I thought you where a Darkclan or Cloudclan cat!" Rainheart apologized quickly and got off of Featherwisp.

"Oh my gosh! I just remembered the catmint!" Featherwisp exclaimed.

"Could you go get it? I need to keep these enemies out of the medicine den. I can hold them off until you get back." Rainheart mewed, lashing out at a black tom as he tried to enter.

Featherwisp dipped her head and rushed out of the medicine den. She was almost at the entrance when she felt sharp claws peirce her side and she was knocked over sideways. She looked up at her attacker and say a snow white she-cat standing over her.

Featherwisp hissed and lashed out at the cat, satisfied as she felt skin tear beneath her claws. She was about to land another blow when the cat unexpectedly rolled Featherwisp onto her back and started clawing at her exposed belly.

Featherwisp lashed out again but the cat dodged it and continued. Then, she didn't feel any pain. She could only see Rainheart yowling as the white cat backed away, realizing what she had done to the medicine cat. The white cat's expression turned cold again as she swiped a last time.

Featherwisp felt her head fall back as the things around her started dimming until it all went completely black. 


This was a really hard chapter to type. I like things to happen the way I like, and this wasn't one of the things I really needed to happen but I had to have something exciting happen before you leave the room and close the door behind you because this is so boring. Comment and please Vote! =3

Warrior cats: The making of destruction #1: The Three NewcomersWhere stories live. Discover now