Something New

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As the phone beeped and vibrated she thought damn he texting again... waking up to three text messages from Devin and ten from Major.. Major was niyas boyfriend and Devin was niyas ex that she couldn't leave alone to save her life. See niya was the type of girl that had alot going for herself but at a very slow pace she had a car, a job, and was in school. But she stayed with her aunt because he and her momz didn't get along when it came down to the income. Major loved Niya with every inch of him he showed her what a real man was suppose to do for a woman and how a man was suppose to treat a woman. But Niya wasn't in love with Major, she loved the things Major did for her Major had them BANDZ... and he didn't mind spending them. Niya turned Major from a nobody to a somebody she made him the person she wanted him to be. But Devin. Devin was everything Niya wanted he had the style, the car, the looks the sex game but Devin wasn't shit from beginning to the end. Devin and Niya went to school together Highschool that is and afterwards they became a item for a year or so before Niya caught him cheating with Jessica and it was OVER the relationship that is. They still fucked on the daily tho. Devin convinced niya that no one could ever compare to what they had, and she was cool with it.. Major on the other hand was beyond faithful, but Niya was nowhere near the same. As Major dated Niya throughout her ups and downs Niya created feelings for him she did have love for Major but not the love like Devins. Niya started pulling away from Devin because of his ways and his actions Devin called niya up that day very calm and asked what you doing she replied nothing he says oh okay well who you been fucking lately as niya stared at the phone she replied nobody Niya had only been fucking Major and she knows major was A1 because he was actually a virgin before they met. Devin replied well okay.. she asked what's up tho he says I got burned and Niya got really quite oh okay well I guess you better call them Lil nasty ass hoes you be dealing with cause we know it ain't me as she snapped and hung up in his face. Niya ran to the back of her aunts house and yelled Bianca Bianca bitch where you at Bianca was niyas cousin. Favorite cousin. They were like sisters niya told Bianca Devin got something laughing. Bianca knew Devin way before Niya did. Bianca said well bitch you sho nuff better leave that bitch alone he gone have you laid up with a itch you can't scratch. Niya and Devin NEVER USED PROTECTION. Niya looked down and started bitting her nails saying yea you right bitch and she rolled her eyes and said well fuck him. What we doing tonight it was a Friday, Niya had two jobs she was a customer service rep at one job and a maid for the other. And today was payday for both Bianca replied well we can go out I guess! With a smirk on her face as she pulled out a big bag of loud along with lean and pills!!! YASSSSSSSS BITCH YASSS niya screamed as she danced in a circle well its on lemme go buy me a fit. Let's do that shit then Bianca replied. As the day went by Devin was calling and texting so much until it was crazy Niya stop looking at her phone and added him to call block instantly. Major came by and picked Niya up as usual and took her on a date and asked her what else she wanted to do while they were spending time Niya looked at him with her pretty China doll eyes and smiled as she mumbled I need to go shopping. Major laughed and said just say it bae you know I got you! As he sat back and played in his dreads niya reached over and gave him a kiss on the cheek and then a nice slow kiss on the lip knowing just how to get him he looked at her and said come on let's go. They went shopping as Major dropped a couple hundreds in her purse and told her have a good time. Niya was out of his eyesight before 8 pm. Niya and Bianca went out to their favorite nightclub called HOOPERS ,very grown and sexy. And they turned up as usual the following day. Niya returned to work early in the morning when she walked up there was this guy she had been eyeing since she started the new job. He spoke saying good morning beautiful, Niya snapped saying don't start with me today cause Ian in no mood. He laughed as he replied damn I just said hey!! she replied oh my bad hey as she rolled her eyes walking off. As the day went by Niya kept looking at the guy and convinced herself she wanted him. And what Niya wanted she always got. so she made a little note. It read if you think um so beautiful you should really get to know me better you should call me as she left her number 9785524 Niya.. xoxo. Niyas shift ended and she was on her way out she spotted his car and left the note on the his windshield wiper blade. And she took off thinking about his fine ass she faced one on the way home.

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