Oh no

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As they both fell asleep, Niya woke up the next morning she stared at Logan as he slept. Saying to herself he has been there through it all. This man has seen me up and more downs than a little. I love him I love everything about him, yea he dogged me out a little in the past and god knows I didn't deserve it. But he is my karma and I have to except the way he has treated me. I did some fucked up shit just to be with him so imma hang up my bitter past and focus on the future. Niya had recently found a second job to make ends meet since she really wanted to do things on her own. Logan kept Malix when he got off or before he went to work. Seeing Niya was a spell because she worked two jobs and most of the time she wouldn't be home til 12 so she was gone from 6 to 12a.m Logan wasn't having it he asked what help did she need?  And to choose one. Niya chose the job she knew nothing about. Leaving her past with her job for a year behind. Only to find out she was pregnant soon. Her bestfriend and godchild came into town! Niya was so happy she and this friend amber went to high school together and lived together with Niyas mom once upon a time they were the best of friends. Amber moved to Texas right after high school so they didn't see much of one another. Niya letting her man and her mom know. Niyas mom did not approve she pushed it into Niyas head females are not to live together when they are grown. And she should reconsider. Niya didn't listen at all. Amber only came in to make Niyas life hell after a few weeks. Niya got her a job where she was working only to get herself fired. Niya was pissed with her. The deal was to come down and get money so she can take care of her daughter, amber was focus on bullshit it didn't last a entire 2 months Amber had to leave. Niya wasn't happy but was relieved because Amber made her feel as if she wasn't comfortable in her home while Niyas nephews visit for the summer. Niya stood strong about her nephews if anyone was to leave it would be Amber and her godchild first and that's what it was. As Niya kept working work suddenly got uncomfortable with everyone knowing she was pregnant. One day she just wasn't feeling well so she called off. Only to find out she would be fired. Hurt yes she was because she had no income after they fired her. She payed the bills with the money she had left and the rent with the last of her check. And asked Logan for help. Logan was her biggest cheerleader he stood beside her assuring her not to worry. It was a relief as Niya still look for work. Logan grew aggressive because he was the only one paying the bills and making the money and going to work. Days he would come in and talk crazy to Niya, Niya felt she had to take it because she had no other help. Or she and the baby could pack up and move back with her mom or her oldest sister out of the city. But she was determine she cooked cleaned made sure things around the house were good when he came home as her belly grew bigger. She still maintained on some days her energy level was at zero. Her and Logan would argue about simple stuff. Niya was ready to call it quits. She texted him one day telling him he could leave if he wanted to because she was over his shit talking ways she was over being treated like a slave she was over it all. Logan was texting one of his cousins closets friends and Niya found out about it and told him she wasn't having it. The fact the girl knew Logan for so long and seen he had a child with Niya was pure disrespect Niya never cared for the chick anyways. But she was sure to make sure it either stop all together or he could get the hell outta her and her kids life with the lies.

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