Make it like it was

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Niya couldn't help but think about the extravagant sex they had nights before, she found herself thinking hard about everything. More than anything she wanted to be a family one big happy family. She wanted what she seen on daily bases. She didn't want what her favourite cousin Bianca had. See Bianca had gotten pregnant right after her dude went in to do some fed time. I mean a couple weeks after he went to jail she was pregnant she was in a hurting stage. So a old friend was there to comfort her. Niya didn't really know to much about what was going on with Bianca and the guy, but once she found out about the pregnancy Niya was there 100% this was a year before Niya got pregnant. I want happiness and that's exactly what I'm gonna get as Niya got out of her bed preparing a bottle for her son. Turning on Disney channel as Malix woke up she did her usual handed him off to her mom while she cleaned up his and her room and made breakfast talking to her girl Karlia. Bihhh I think I'm falling for him again! Karlia was amazed by love anything to do with it she just loved love. Awhhhh Karlia said I want him to admit to his fuck ups and just get it right. Yea Niya replied me too as her phone beeped girl this him imma call you back. Answering Logan's call Hello??? What's up baybee Niya smiled um it's Niya. Nah you gone forever be bae as he laughed what you doing tonight? Nothing much Niya replied what's up? Come spend the night with me. Niya was shocked but also happy because the time they were spending was on stop how many nights? Doesn't matter you know you never had to leave in the first place everybody misses you and Malix Niya loved his family as if they were her own and they did the same. Okay imma pack my bag and Malix one I will see you later. Niya packed a bag for about three nights which was the weekend. And let her mom know. Hey ma me and Malix going over Logan's house I will see you Sunday. Niyas mama smiled as she folded clothes at the end of her bed oh okay little girl I guess he has won you back over huh? Mama I really love him and I want to be a family am I wrong for trying? No Niya as her mom rolled her eyes your not but after the way he treated you while you were pregnant he needs to work a little bit harder nah. I didn't like seeing you cry and I honestly hate him for that. I deal with him because of you and that baby in there as you said I'm either all in or out so I'm in for you. You got some money? Niyas mom asked yes ma'am I do alright then have fun. As Niya rushed to her car throwing her bags in the trunk and putting Malix in his seat as he giggled and blowed bubbles at her she smiled we are going to see daddy!! Malix repeated da da da da she laughed yea big man mommy gone try with daddy to make it right.

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