Fool me once can't get fooled again

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So once Niya seen the twitter tweets she had confirmation that things would never be the same, little did she know life had its very own twist. Another month had past Niya still hadn't seen her period. She trys to avoid the family planning aisle but she thought what the hell may as well check it out she grabbed a pt off the rack and ran to the restroom as she started to take it. IC3 came across the intercom GOT DAMN IT she pulled up her pants running out squirting hand sanitizer on her hands as she rung up customers and handle customer problems the store hours were closing. Niya grabbed two more off the rack before turning on the alarm and closing the store. As raced to her mom's house because her mom was really never home and popped the pregnancy test open peeing on one opening another peeing on it opening the last one peeing on it as she waited not looking she lift one and what a surprise pregnant pregnant pregnant Niyas eyed got big oh god oh god no no no no no what the hell he isn't even acting right and I'm pregnant got damn it god why as she questioned god tears started rolling down her face as she picked up her iPhone calling her big sister *hey what you doing? Nothing as her big sister replied what's wrong your crying* niya burst out into heavy tears AWH baby its okay your pregnant huh niya wiped her nose looking at the phone how did you know? Niyas sister Sheena started laughing girl I know everything your my baby sis listen I will be over in a minute okay dnt do nothing stupid have you called Logan niya laughed hell nawl okay well contact him. Niya hung up calling her best friend and her cousin her best friend justice second hey boo as she answered niya still sobbing what's wrong? What did that bastard do to you im coming home this week and I'm gonna kill him you want me to kill him? Niya laughed no crazy ass well what's wrong omg your pregnant aren't you. Niya took a look at her phone how did you know? Justice laughed girl almost 6 years now we have been friends I know you Yayyyyyy I'm gonna be a gawd mama yas hunni hanging up in Niyas face she finally text Logan hey wyd he texted back playing the game oh okay well call me when your done waiting and waiting Logan didn't call back so she sent him a picture if the test. Logan called quick um what is that I'M PREGNANT LOGAN he got quite we got caught up baby dnt worry we gone be straight who have you told by that time almost all of niyas family had known and was at her house niya said everybody since mama found out. Niyas mama couldn't hold water.

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