Just when

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The new year came in Niya was getting herself back together. One night she was snooping and end up seeing what she didn't want Logan had really quit his ex girl but had a new girlfriend already Niya was pissed with him and she was completely done for good she packed her things and the baby things and left. All while Logan was out playing Mr. Charming to his newbie she blocked his number from her phone and from all her social media accounts and left only one thing ONE the lion he brought the day his son was born to remind him. You had it all but that wasn't enough. As Niya moved back home with her mom Logan found a way to get in contact with her through his sister asking why did she leave while he was gone and why didn't she tell him she was leaving at least. Niyas heart was so hurt and she was honestly doing what was best for her and her kid. She wasn't taking the child away she was taking herself away from the fact what she once knew was no longer the common factor. Their love for one another was tainted and made up of lies and secrets. Niya thought about Logan every single day but she put her pain into her love for her child she started to think positive and look at life for the better just her and her son. Her relationship with her mom grew stronger as she watched her mom bond with her son day in and day out. It was up from there on out Niya even had a friend she started to associate with they went to middle school together so it was nothing serious just fun. Logan was able to come over and spend time with Malix when he got off work on somedays. And then the question popped. One day they were all sitting in her room watching t.v and Logan asked do you think I can spend the night with you guys I just wanna sleep under the both of you. Niya laughed!! Logan Malix has his own room something he didn't have at your parents house so in fine with that. He also sleeps in his own bed if you wanna sleep with Malix you can very well pack him up a bag and he can go home with you tonight. And you just bring him back tomorrow. The look on Logans face was priceless!! So your saying I can't stay the night Niya smiled kissing him on the cheek saying in his ear softly all seductive. I'm not saying you can't spend the night daddy.. what I'm saying is you won't be fucking me tonight and she walked away!! The thing is Niya cute little shape had came back she didn't have a big booty or wide hips but she had a okay shape and it fitted her well! Logan hadn't had sex with Niya in a minute so he was missing her sex.

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