There's only one

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So Niya took Logan back. Logan was her heart she seen something in him Noone could see. In spite of the odds he was the only one she wanted. Months passed as Niya and Logans relationship went on a Rollercoaster every chance it got. Niya was so over the drama with Logan and his lies and the little hoes that came in and out the picture she was focused on her life bettering herself and finishing school. One morning niya was in class she felt this strange feeling texting Logan instantly *I haven't had my period it could be stress from these mid terms I'm not sure but I am super nervous* Logan replied *it's school stop stressing so much and you really have to buckle down you working and going to school something had to give what do you care about the most?* niya thought to herself not even paying attention, her instructor snapped her fingers Ms. HOLLYWAY you seem like you have a perfect answer for the question I just asked won't you come on up here and explain it to the class my love. Niya gave her instructor a gaze look umm yes ma'am I do! As she got up slowly Ms. Keys can I please talk to you for a minute sure as the both walked out the room niya leaned to the garbage and threw up gagging omg as she kept saying omg crying at the same time Ms. Keys was Niyas favorite instructor she held niyas hair back and rubbed her back it's okay baby its okay I want you to get yourself together in the restroom and I will allow you to go home. Niya wiped her mouth with her sweater I can't I have to work. We'll first off as Ms. Keys grabbed her mouth you have to brush and rinse and then come back and talk to me.. cause baby that smell isn't a good look for you GO GET YOURSELF TOGETHER AND COME BACK. Niya shook her head yes ma'am okay I gotcha niya went to the restroom looked at herself in the mirror and spoke to herself what the fuck is going in with you Niya, she cleaned her face rinsed her mouth with water and pulled out a stick of gum lemme eat this shit bitch stop playing eat two she said to herself. Niya went back to class as it was ending. Ms. Keys I'm so sorry. Ms. Keys took a look at niya and took a deep breath you know I love you Niya like my own child if I had one but your lacking hunni and I expect so much from you I know you can do this BIRMINGHAM FINEST as she called all of her students I know you can you have so much to offer the world and your letting the dollar signs stray you away from a lifetime opportunity baby I know you got bills and bullshit to handle but this is your life. Niya put her head down. And you better not bite them nails damn it Ms. Keys snapped your a medical assistant you can't bit your nails when it gets tough your putting somebody blood in your mouth of some left over food you may have to feed one day that's nasty Niya YES MAAM I GET IT KEYS I GOTCHA CAN I PLEASE GO.. Niya spoke loudly go Niya but you need to get yourself checked out that was some scarey shit you just did HAVE A GOOD DAY as niya walked out the room. Damn she get on my nerve throwing her books in her trunk and getting in her car looking at her phone. It was fucking valentine's day GREAT JUST GREAT I GOTTA CLOSE AND IT'S VALENTINES DAY HER COMES THE BULLSHIT. Niya got a text * And happy Valentines Day to you baby guess we won't be spending it together* niya turned her music up high lit a cigarette and pulled out of her school parking lot rushing to work.

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