Taken for GRANTED

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Logan wasn't the happiest for everyone to know that he and Niya had a baby one the way which was strange for Niya because she was sure that's all he ever wanted unless it was a heat of the moment type of thing. Logan assured her he would let his family know. Morning sickness kicked in hard after they both went to the doctor together. Niya was beginning to stress because logan started to act different but she remain herself and a new mommy to her jelly bean inside of her. Months passed and Logan decided things weren't getting better with niyas mood changes and attitude so he started cheating with a college student that attended school near by right outside of their city. Niya was heartbroken by the fact she had given Logan everything and every part of her but she sure wasn't gonna sit by and watch him with happiness amongst his self and the new little bitch he had "fallen in love with" as days went by the new girlfriend post pics and stats of her and Logans relationship. Logan assured Niya it was just a phase and he would return he wanted to get everything outta his system so he could be true to her before their child was welcome to the world. Niya stomach started to get bigger announcing to his parents who were excited to hear. Niya still kept her distance. Longing for love at such vulnerable time in her life she allowed Logan to come over her house and spend the night at times and have sex with her unprotected niya was as sure by Logan having a baby on the way he would use protection with the other girl she hope.

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