Meeting the parents

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Niya and Logan woke up the next morning after friends and family visited all day the day before to pack and get ready to go home. Niya was bitter sweet because although his family came to see her none of the photos they took of her son and Logan included her. Will I ever be excepted? she thought as she gathered her stuff up. The ride back home was silent of course Niya had to take a pain pill before leaving the hospital so she was drugged of course. Once they arrived back home. Niya got notice that her older sister had said something online that wasn't good for her. And of course Logan family screenshot game was far to strong Niya had no notice of what was going on. Once she saw it she explained to her sister they weren't together and hey will co parent for the sake of the child and to take the post down. None of Niya family approved of the way they split and how he was in a relationship while Niya was carrying his child. But Niya was willing to let that go to the back seat for now. Once back at home Niya tried to get as much sleep as possible after breastfeeding. Malix sleeping pattern was awful the first couple of nights Niya cried because Logan would sleep and didn't hear the baby and some nights he did. She was very thankful for his family because they helped out in a major way so she could rest. Things started to get better between the two besides Logan going a distance to talk to his "ex" girlfriend Niya and Logan start back creating feelings for one another after her bed rest was up one night they made love and she just knew for that one moment things could work out after all for the sake of their child.

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